Is a little out of it today, I had my shoes on ready to go to work, but I had no pants on.
bleh I has a cold. I got to breath thru both nose holes for a lil bit today though, thats a small victory I supose.
Still going thru Jamaica withdrawl, I miss the people and the sun. Im still in relaxed mode, everyone around me seems to be pissed off and in a hurry. I still can't belive the differance from the Jamaican weed than BC bud, first joint I smoked back in Canada I thought was a roach doobie, no chemicals makes Jamaican weed so much smoother than B.C...
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Back from Jamaica... frown I want to go back!!!

I arrived in Jamaica on March 10th, got two ounces of sinsemilla from the bus driver for 200 bucks it was pretty smooth. Bought a set of 7 dollar(US) scissors from the resorts gift shop and some kingsize rolling papers. Next day I went to Bob Marleys grave/house where I smoked some jamaican grown bluebarrie it was...
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Packed and ready to go, leaving for Jaimaica tomorrow for ten days. I packed some pocky... I hope it doesnt melt, although I will prolly eat it all before I get there.
more pocky huh...haha
Jamaica in 4 days, I can't wait. Other than that nothing new, getting low on the herb... I think next bag of weed I buy will be in Jamaica. I think I will go with bong hits and open one of my emergency roach jars. Been playing resident evil, 1,2 down, on 3 now, trying to finish them all before I leave for Jamaica. So...
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I love Pockey, I stopped at the convinience store on the way to work. They now have Pockey! So I bought a couple packs. First pack lasted me about 4 hours, I would nibble on them while I was working. I got home and the 2nd pack lasted about 20 minutes. Still not bad, 210 calories, 20 mins of munchies. Beats a kit kat anyday....
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what is it?
oh yes I think I have seen em at world market...the pink ones are yummy
Well its that time of the week again, the weekend... mass amounts of free time. What shall I do? Smoke the herb listen to music is always a good way to waste time.
oh yes...sounds like a fab plan smile
Reggae must heal the soul, I been listening to reggae almost non stop for a solid 2 months. Mostly Damian, Ziggy, Stephen and Buju. Hatred has been in my soul ever since I could remember. It faded for a little while while I was with my ex-girl back in the day, who was also my best friend at the time. But after she left, I...
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Only if it makes my brain mushy. I kinda need my brain.

Two things:

1. Reggae most definitely can heal the soul
2. I don't remember how to meet new people either frown

Just start talking to them. That's what I do. I figure about 10% (a generous number I might add) are gonna be cool. So with those low numbers gotta just keep on trying. It gets easier. Good luck love