Anyone else as geeked as I was about the return of The Great One? Don't judge me... I've been a fan since I was a kid.
I marked out and squealed like a little girl when his music hit! Luckily I was around during pretty much the prime of the WWF... so it's a bit of nostalgia seeing these older guys coming back every once in a while that still have the magic they did before. They don't make em like the Rock anymore. Plus it'll be nice for the younger kids to see what he was good at before he was The Tooth Fairy...
So excited! If he announces a match with Cena... I'd be tempted to drive to Georgia and go to Wrestlemania in person.

Best believe I pre-ordered my I Bring It shirt today too... haha
for those that didnt see it. Incredible.
Ok.. I'll quit gushing. No homo : )
I marked out and squealed like a little girl when his music hit! Luckily I was around during pretty much the prime of the WWF... so it's a bit of nostalgia seeing these older guys coming back every once in a while that still have the magic they did before. They don't make em like the Rock anymore. Plus it'll be nice for the younger kids to see what he was good at before he was The Tooth Fairy...
So excited! If he announces a match with Cena... I'd be tempted to drive to Georgia and go to Wrestlemania in person.

Best believe I pre-ordered my I Bring It shirt today too... haha
for those that didnt see it. Incredible.
Ok.. I'll quit gushing. No homo : )

ps , u know werestling is fake right? haha