man, where did the time go?
This last week was pretty hectic -- I ended up working long hours then would go out, go on dates or go see some bands. PHEW! Oh yeah, and got more of my tattoo:
So much more to go! The character is for the Year of the Snake...the colors are amazing. Troy asked me what colors I wanted and at first I was going to say gold and red, but then went with non-traditional. He cranked out thsi amazing blue-green color, yellow, gold and amber! Talk about an unholy looking flame, but damn awesome up close. Next session isn't until the end of June, which bites, but I'll wait for more of his good work.
Had 3 dates in the last week. One was at Mo' Pitkin's house of satisfaction, which fucking rocks! Monday is "Miles Monday" -- the bar plays Miles Davis, has a great view and the bartender is way cool and pours a mean (and cheap) drink. The food...holy crap, it's awesome! I got the Cuban Reuben -- which is a mix of the two sandwiches that makes a great blend. Also got some killer garlic manchango fries and bread pudding...totally satisfied and I might go back this week.
The girl I went out with was cool...and grabby
She manhandled me outside of the "L" stop on 1st avenue. Har!
Another girl was a dead end, but not bad of a person to talk with.
The third was last night...waiting to see what she says, but I think we hit it off quite well. I guess I'd have to question why you'd want to hang out with someone for 7-8 hours if you weren't enjoying their company. Way hot too! man, girls with deep brown eyes and kind of that Italian ethnic look get me all melty.
Caught Unsane and Blackfire Revelation at the Knitting Factory on Wednesday with the very cool illstabyou. Now I know why the ladies are nuts about this cat! One very cool gentleman to say the least
The show was fantastic -- Blackfire reminded me of some odd offspring between Killdozer and The Melvins, which was more than okay in my book!
Unsane played a ton of older songs, which is ALWAYS tops in my book. I think my hearing finally is at 80% after 4 days...that day after I was totally deaf and had to have everyone write down stuff. You'd think I'd learn by now...
Yesterday I caught X-Men: The Last Stand, which turned out to be not that good. Some of the action sequences were good, but overall...I kept on asking "What happened to the plot?" or better yet, "What happened to the script?". The writers were new -- David Goyer was off doing other stuff and the pinch-hitters they got were not up to snuff. Plot points would happen, then vanish with no further follow-up. The dialogue was weak and not interesting at what was up with Phoneix looking like Dark Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Lame-o!
Oh yeah, Aeon Flux should be called Aeon Sux -- avoid that one like herpes...
This last week was pretty hectic -- I ended up working long hours then would go out, go on dates or go see some bands. PHEW! Oh yeah, and got more of my tattoo:

So much more to go! The character is for the Year of the Snake...the colors are amazing. Troy asked me what colors I wanted and at first I was going to say gold and red, but then went with non-traditional. He cranked out thsi amazing blue-green color, yellow, gold and amber! Talk about an unholy looking flame, but damn awesome up close. Next session isn't until the end of June, which bites, but I'll wait for more of his good work.
Had 3 dates in the last week. One was at Mo' Pitkin's house of satisfaction, which fucking rocks! Monday is "Miles Monday" -- the bar plays Miles Davis, has a great view and the bartender is way cool and pours a mean (and cheap) drink. The food...holy crap, it's awesome! I got the Cuban Reuben -- which is a mix of the two sandwiches that makes a great blend. Also got some killer garlic manchango fries and bread pudding...totally satisfied and I might go back this week.
The girl I went out with was cool...and grabby

Another girl was a dead end, but not bad of a person to talk with.
The third was last night...waiting to see what she says, but I think we hit it off quite well. I guess I'd have to question why you'd want to hang out with someone for 7-8 hours if you weren't enjoying their company. Way hot too! man, girls with deep brown eyes and kind of that Italian ethnic look get me all melty.
Caught Unsane and Blackfire Revelation at the Knitting Factory on Wednesday with the very cool illstabyou. Now I know why the ladies are nuts about this cat! One very cool gentleman to say the least

Unsane played a ton of older songs, which is ALWAYS tops in my book. I think my hearing finally is at 80% after 4 days...that day after I was totally deaf and had to have everyone write down stuff. You'd think I'd learn by now...
Yesterday I caught X-Men: The Last Stand, which turned out to be not that good. Some of the action sequences were good, but overall...I kept on asking "What happened to the plot?" or better yet, "What happened to the script?". The writers were new -- David Goyer was off doing other stuff and the pinch-hitters they got were not up to snuff. Plot points would happen, then vanish with no further follow-up. The dialogue was weak and not interesting at what was up with Phoneix looking like Dark Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Lame-o!
Oh yeah, Aeon Flux should be called Aeon Sux -- avoid that one like herpes...
As far as manhandling on the "L" goes, all I can say is, "damn! I should have taken you advice. I ended up taking the 'F' and there was no funky manhandling to be had there."