Hey look, it's the start of my new tattoo!
Went in yesterday to Invisible NYC and started the long process of the tattoo that I'm getting. Next Friday will be the arm

Troy = God! Man, dude was good...he's not only the owner but he's been doing this stuff for 15 years. And damn cool too -- only charged me for a few hours of work, even though I had been in the shop for nearly 4 hours.
The one thing I'm not sure of is whether or not to tip. Anyone else tip when they got their tattoos?
Let's see, a few reviews:
Munich was good, although a bit lingering. Once I finished it I realized that I grew up during the whole event but was thankfully spared the hell that adults had to face during the situation. Another thought I had was if one person had made the decision not to go biblical and get an eye for an eye then the problems we're having today might have turned out differently. might.
Memoirs of a Geisha was like one of those low-calorie Three Musketeer candy bars. It sounds good and even looks good but when it comes down to any kind of substance or satisfaction then there ain't much there.
Tamara = Nerdy bookwoorm becomes super-nova hot sex minx killing machine after dying. Takes out some unique revenge on the jocks / jockette who done her wrong. How can you go wrong?
Anyone else going to the Suckadelic party at High Five? If so let me know and we'll meet up!
* If you can't see the whole photo, you can see it in the gallery with the rest of my photos