T-minus 1.5 days until I'm done with the current shit job and can start Pokemon! Woo
Plus the weather is so amazing out that words cannot describe how happy I am.
Last night I had one fantastic date! Met this girl and it turns out we have a ton in common, especially music. Anyone who professes to loves the Melvins and saw them, along with a ton of other great bands earns bonus points. What else got bonus points? She brought me a comic book! Holy crap, someone endulging my nerdome...
So I made spaghetti con Melanzane e mozzarella (Spaghetti with eggplant and mozzarella), some bread, great wine and made this killer dark chocolate sorbet. Figure I'd go easy this time and pull out the cooking stops later
This was a "blind-ish" date and the first time we met in person. Naturally I was expecting someone to walk through the door and be attractive, but not "holy shit, this girl is HOT" good looking.
It takes a bunch for me to be at a loss for words...or shy around people these days but I was last night. Yow!
I think we were both in the same boat -- we loosened up as the night went on and had this great conversation along with the wine and food. She had to take off, but the night ended with a uber-hot makeout session
Woo! Plus she wanted to see me again. Well alright! Giggidy Giggidy Giggidy ( ha ha ha -- my impresion of Quagmire from Family Guy). In fact we're going to get together tonight
Ah, life is really starting to look good...
What's your story?

Plus the weather is so amazing out that words cannot describe how happy I am.
Last night I had one fantastic date! Met this girl and it turns out we have a ton in common, especially music. Anyone who professes to loves the Melvins and saw them, along with a ton of other great bands earns bonus points. What else got bonus points? She brought me a comic book! Holy crap, someone endulging my nerdome...
So I made spaghetti con Melanzane e mozzarella (Spaghetti with eggplant and mozzarella), some bread, great wine and made this killer dark chocolate sorbet. Figure I'd go easy this time and pull out the cooking stops later

This was a "blind-ish" date and the first time we met in person. Naturally I was expecting someone to walk through the door and be attractive, but not "holy shit, this girl is HOT" good looking.

I think we were both in the same boat -- we loosened up as the night went on and had this great conversation along with the wine and food. She had to take off, but the night ended with a uber-hot makeout session

Woo! Plus she wanted to see me again. Well alright! Giggidy Giggidy Giggidy ( ha ha ha -- my impresion of Quagmire from Family Guy). In fact we're going to get together tonight

Ah, life is really starting to look good...
What's your story?
Things are continuing to go well for me!! We're heading out for the weekend!!!!
Have a great day!