Yeah, so let's see what's been going on.
Once again I become single. Mostly by my choice and this continues me finding girls that have problems with forming any kind of relationship whatsoever. I think I draw 'em in like I use to draw in suicidal, institutionalized girls.
Currently listening to Autopilot Off, who I had hoped someone would throw up on Easynews and sure enough, they did! Great melodic punk
Also nabbed the best of Siouxsie & the Banshees...AND found out that Sympathy for the Record Industry is re-releasing Jack Off Jill's catalog. WOOO! Dying to get those and I might just pick up the new Scarling album.
-->Avoid Flightplan...wotta shitty movie that was. God only knows what Jodie Foster was thinking when she made that garbage.
Heard back from Pokemon today and it turns out that the President, Mr. Chiba wants to meet with me next Monday or Tuesday. Oh yeah
So I can't decide on whether or not to get a tattoo. I'd love to get the ink, however if I do that then I can't give blood / donate platlets for a year. This is a big issue for me since I have a kinda rare blood type and there's a severe blood shortage.
Did you know that most major operations require at least 8 pints of blood? One person can give a pint per every 8 weeks. So to survive an operation you'll need to have at least 8 people donate to save yer ass. Oh yeah, that whole deal about "O" being the universal donar is sorta true, but that doesn't mean that someone in my case (A+) can use more than a pint or so.
Hence the quandry I'm in....
Once again I become single. Mostly by my choice and this continues me finding girls that have problems with forming any kind of relationship whatsoever. I think I draw 'em in like I use to draw in suicidal, institutionalized girls.
Currently listening to Autopilot Off, who I had hoped someone would throw up on Easynews and sure enough, they did! Great melodic punk

Also nabbed the best of Siouxsie & the Banshees...AND found out that Sympathy for the Record Industry is re-releasing Jack Off Jill's catalog. WOOO! Dying to get those and I might just pick up the new Scarling album.
-->Avoid Flightplan...wotta shitty movie that was. God only knows what Jodie Foster was thinking when she made that garbage.
Heard back from Pokemon today and it turns out that the President, Mr. Chiba wants to meet with me next Monday or Tuesday. Oh yeah

So I can't decide on whether or not to get a tattoo. I'd love to get the ink, however if I do that then I can't give blood / donate platlets for a year. This is a big issue for me since I have a kinda rare blood type and there's a severe blood shortage.
Did you know that most major operations require at least 8 pints of blood? One person can give a pint per every 8 weeks. So to survive an operation you'll need to have at least 8 people donate to save yer ass. Oh yeah, that whole deal about "O" being the universal donar is sorta true, but that doesn't mean that someone in my case (A+) can use more than a pint or so.
Hence the quandry I'm in....

thanks for all of those recipes