So I decided to start back writing blogs since I took my hiatus and found this was the perfect topic to begin with. @rambo @missy
5 years ago... 2012...
Though I am not very old I have experienced much more in a very short period of time than most people can begin to fathom at much older ages. 5 years ago I was beginning my life and company, moving across the country with my new wife at the time, and having graduated college not too long before.
The first thing I would tell my year old self is...
1. Do not be afraid to be proud of your accomplishments.
Having worked for so many of my achievements, at that age I was in the habit of always keeping them to myself. Not necessarily because I didn't think I was deserving of praise, but that others weren't deserving of the ability to try and claim them as theirs as well; namely my estranged family at the time.
2. Stop thinking your gut is crazy.
Mainly because anytime I ignored it, I ended up being right. And that may have saved myself a whole lot of pain in my relationships later on.
3. Do not allow anyone to make you feel less than what you are.
Because nobody but you knows the true color of character and being. It took a lot of time to realize that people have a tendency to project their own insecurities onto others. It's easy for people to convince you that they are holding up a mirror... SHATTER THAT SHIT!
4. Be kind hearted BUT remain strong willed.
It took a while to realize that you can show kindness without needing to necessarily trust people. From the way I was raised, kindness was only deserving to those who are trustworthy, regardless of whether or not you'd been given the chance to prove you are. I tried to get out of that habit and unfortunately went to far to the polar opposite. As with all things in life, balance has to and will be found.
5. Don't ever question yourself when you believe you may be deserving of MORE.
It looks like it's settling, walks like it's settling, and quacks like it's settling... it's settling. Learn the difference between someone having a reason or excuse and whether or not that excuses an action.
In my defense, I will never too harshly judge myself. I was handed the sourest of lemons and still managed to make something resembling lemonade.
That's why we live and learn.
Any things you wish you could tell your younger self?
*all photos circa 2012 lol