im going to go to canada. if bush wins. it looks like he will. i need to get chaptered out of the army. im over weight standards. if they wont chapter me out for that im gay too. if that doesnt work ill go awol and come back and get chaptered. if that doesnt work ill go awol again and just go to canada. i know im in korea but ill get to canda somehow. the congress belongs to the republicans. tom daschle lost. did that happen. nothing will get accomplished in the liberals favor. everything those fucking conservatives want will go through. no no no. fuck bush. i said it. i can get arrested for saying that (i guess even though we defend america its illegal for me to express my opinion verbally about bush) but i dont care at all. i saw fucking lying ass fox news say 269 electoral votes for bush during lunch when i was at the food court at camp casey (its always full of people like officers and stuff) and yelled loud as shit "fuuuuuuuuck!!!!! i hate that fucking piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!" i dont care at all. i started shaking and my head started spinning. if he wins i swear to god i will get to canada by mid 2005. fuck bush
Hope you make it! Our doors are always open for conscientious objectors! They must have spiked your nations water supply with Stupid juice! Stupid is as stupid does!
Anybody you know in this article >> This is what they died for!>>