im so gonna be back in america in 101 days. oh yeah . on saturday i went rock climbing. that was cool, sort of. well yeah. all i really care about is ginog back to florida. then i goo to el paso texas for about a year. then im done. im happy happy happy.
im prettty drunk right now. i have to be at work at 0600 and its 2400. this is soo stupid. we have to be at work because most of the teams have to roll out to the field at 0700. that means every team in the company except mine. ill be off by 0715 but it still sucks ass. ya know what else sucks ass-... Read More
im going to the field for three weeks. i wont have internet for that time so i guess ill have a lot of new photosets waiting for me when i get back home. well whatever peace out for a while
yaaaaay. the node center broke. we got out of the field. this means i get to go to seoul this weekend. and its okay for me to be as drunk as i am now. well my roommate is leaving korea next week so he is turning off the internet on sunday. oh well. i think well be able to just switch it over to my... Read More
yeah so i wont be here for a while cuz im going to the field for about a month. that should be fun. not really but whatever. well i dont really have anything to put on here. i just got bored of my old one so yeah. im done.