So I gave the friend list a major purging. These things happen. The way I see it, if I haven't made some sort of connection with you in 4 years, it's more than likely not going to happen. It's pretty safe to say that I've maintained a fairly inactive group of friends all the while. This honestly won't be much of a surprise or all that wide felt. I like my new little list of friends. You know the routine, if you were cut and wanna bitch about it just let me know.
The thing is that I'm really not gonna do a whole hell of a lot anymore on this site. Love the site, not planning on canceling my subscription anytime soon. Just don't really have the interest or time to devote much of any attention to it anymore. Definitely gonna still check out the boards and you guy's journals. But I'd suggest lowering any expectations of having anything to read here anymore.
It was a great season. I loved every minute of it and they gave it a great run. Very frustrating with how it all ended. Glad to have been able to be part of it. I think I might have missed 2 or 3 games total this entire year. Fantastic.
I love this site. Always have. I've had this account for 4 years, and a different one before that for 2 years. I've met some great people and some crazy people and a couple absolutely awful people. I think the site has just gotten way to big and has lost too much of it's community due to the size. There's way to many girls. I remember when they were all listed in a little drop down menu on the upper left side of the screen. There's just too many now and seems to manufactured. There's still some amazingly beautiful girls putting up sets, and they are great. I just miss when each set stood out and each girl seemed to have a personality and a presence. But hey, if I were Missy I would have done the same thing. Business is business.
And I've got to face facts. Reagan is never coming back.
Certainly not good-bye SG, I'm not going anywhere. Thanks for the good times.