hold on to your pants.
i can't think of a more flawless woman on this site.
moving on......
been M.I.A. from the site for a little while. blaming the new job on that one. it's funny how much free time i had while i wasn't working. not that i'm complaining. i'd trade a little internet titty time for a normal job and work week any day. the new job is going great and has been really interesting so far. the company that i work for on the other hand, they kind of have their heads up their ass. the training has been a little shaky, and for lack of a better term, non existent. i don't know, i'm figuring a lot out on my own and i made some good contacts in NY that i call daily to get stuff explained. i had a conference call with my boss in Manhattan and she admitted that they've kind of dropped the ball, support wise, with the opening of this new location. apparently next week someone is coming to hang out for the week and cover a lot of stuff with us. we'll see how that works out.
my trip a few weeks ago to New York was pretty cool. I've never been to New York City before, so that initial excitement was fun. the first two nights there i actually stayed in Newark right across the river which was alright because all the buildings and street signs remind me of the Sopranos opening. for the third night they moved to the swanky ass Hilton right in Times Square. that day i was done with everything around 3:30 in the afternoon so i just walked around all evening, explored, and listened to the entire Beastie Boys catalog. i wandered all around Times Square and then started moving out and made it to the Empire State Building, Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Center and all kinds of place in between. the Toys R Us in Times Square has a ferris wheel inside it. i tried to do some NY stuff, ate a hot dog and later a huge slice of pizza, rode in a taxi and took the subway. the next morning i was at an office way at the bottom of the island in the financial district that was apparently 4 blocks from the World Trade Center. i wanted to make it up there and see the memorial but didn't have enough time to pull it off. all in all a pretty fantastic time.
i bit the bullet and started a facebook page. i kinda see what all the buzz is about. it's pretty convenient and all, but i've already had enough of people sending me drinks and lucky eggs and shit. i've had people that i never spoke to even once over the course of 12 years of public education that all the sudden need to find out what i'm up to. that's been kind of odd. lots of ignore button happening with my page.
my Transformer collection is starting to grow to a concerning level. i bought a few a while back just to mess with and have for sentimental reasons. and now i'm starting to run out of shelf space there's so many. i'm especially fond of the ones from the animated series line.
i'm going to do a quick dork count here in my office:
49 action figures/collectible little statue nick-nack guys.
24 elephants.
4 autographed pictures: Chuck D, Cindy Crawford, Chasey Lane, SG Saraphine
39 posters, pictures, drawings on the wall.
25 classic rock records.
0 record players.
2 strings of christmas lights.
1 Darth Vader replica mask.
pretty fucking dorky.
i feel most comfortable in this room.
i've got a lot of journals to get caught up on.
MUCH love