so in my last journal i mentioned that i would be making a list of my favorite 10 albums of all time and that i would share this with you guys in the following blog. well, i hate to disappoint but it's not done yet and i feel like updating. so hopefully next time. it's harder than i had thought. i sat down to really think about it and start writing my thoughts out and after a few hours i had it narrowed down to 20 albums. now i've got to get that to 10. just give me a few more days.
job news: this week i spent what seems like 20 hours on the phone doing interviews with quite a few different companies. i have an actual face to face interview with the one job that i really, really want next tuesday. i'm really hoping this one will work out. i've got a lot going for me heading into the interview. the personal recommendation of the head of retail operations, 2 great phone interviews with the lead recruiter and some lady from HR, i got a fancy new haircut and i've got clean pee. i have no idea if they drug test or not, but today is day 33 off the dope. not that i would hesitate scamming my way through a piss test, but it's a nice reassurance that i don't have to worry about it.

tomorrow is my 32nd birthday. i'm currently about 20% excited 80% who cares. it's not a negative depressed feeling or anything like that, it's just not that exciting. nothing cool about 32. i am expecting big things this year, so hopefully years from now when i look back on things i'll see the time that i was 32 as being a big time. i just got to make sure i make this shit happen.
list time:

Traylor Howard. how's that for a sexy name?? she's this actress that i've seen in about 20 movies and all kinds of failed sitcoms. every time i see her on something i'm reminded how cute i think this woman is and that she's way up there on my celebrities i want to bang list. thing is, over the years i never got around to learning her real name, and i'm sure if i did see it in some credits somewhere i never associated Traylor Howard with the cute ass blond from the show i just watched. well, just the other day i finally put 1 and 1 together and realized that one of the prettiest girls on the planet has one of the worst names ever.
Megan left me her credit card this morning and said that i could go out and buy myself whatever Transformer i wanted for my birthday. this is very tempting and i'm giving it a lot of thought. at first i didn't want to because i don't want to buy my own gift from her. but now i'm starting to think to myself, well why the hell not. i might at least go do some browsing. i'm really thinking about either:
Leader Class Megatron
or Leader Class Bulkhead
i'm off to do some shopping.
I had to do a top ten albums in a philosphy class before I left CA
shit was HARD