i can't get enough of this Diamond Dave goodness: HEEEYYYAAAAHHOUUUUAAAA!!!!!
endless entertainment.

so happy belated new years everybody. i hope everyone had a fun and safe one. from the looks of things everyone did just that. my new years eve was a pretty good time. megan and i went to a friends house who was having some people over, nothing too crazy. tons of good food, played some LCR and lost a bunch of money at it. made out with megan a little at midnight and then made it home around 2 in the morning. kind of odd fact, i think this was my first totally sober new years eve in about 15 years. my name is rod and i like to party.
while on the topic of "partying." i recently finished reading Too Fat to Fish by Artie Lange. sweet mother of god what a fucking mess that guy is. the stories in that book are tales that i've never heard before. it really is hard to believe that he is still alive. funny, as i'm typing this i'm listening to today's Stern show and Artie didn't show up this morning. AGAIN. turns out he's in rehab. AGAIN. what a guy. seems like my favorite people in the world are the ones who like to destroy themselves.
i'm currently building a list of my top 10 greatest albums. now to qualify for the list there are basically 2 criteria that must be met:
1. the album has to be just flat out incredible. just solid from beginning to end, capable of standing the test of time. something that just rocks me and can take you to other places. preferably while stoned.
2. the album is something that truly helped mold the me into the mess that i am. it represents a part of my life, maybe a stage or experience i was going through and upon hearing this album or any part of it instantly sends me right back to that moment in time.
i imagine in most cases each album will be a little mixture of both 1 and 2.
also, i have not finished the list just yet. i've got 5 solid entries and am currently working on the rest. i'm going to do a little writey-doo about them all when i'm done. probably next journal entry. i realize you are all waiting with crazy anticipation. it'll happen.
i'll wrap this up with this little entertaining bit of info.
i have a history of getting the dumbest fortune cookie fortunes ever. honestly, sometimes it's like a slap in the face. an insult to fortunes all over the place. cause you usually look for some sort of cosmic advice, at least something that makes a little sense and gives you some sort of optimistic view. the following is my favorite fortune ever and a great example of the nonsense i get. "Come back later... I am sleeping. (yes, cookies need their sleep too)"
i didn't make that up, i've got the damn thing right here in my hand.
and then there's last nights fortune. this one is more on the ridiculous side and another shining example of the backwards insight these treats give me. you know how the fortunes always have your lucky number on the back? here's last nights lucky numbers: 4 - 9 - 24 - 44 - 46 - 49. nothing to crazy there, lots of 4s and 6s and upside down 6s. now onto the genius fortune on the other side. "Your lucky number for this week is the number three."
enough said. have a lovely evening everyone.