why the fuck is it that every time i type an apostrophe some weird fucking coding appears instead of the apostrophe?? looks like shit SG!!! get your shit together!
moving on....
christmas 2008 will go down as the year of the christmas cookie. we have been given so many fucking cookies this year, i think it's all i've eaten for about 4 days. no more!!!
so merry christmas everyone!! hope it's been good for you. today has been a very strange day. strange in a good way, nothing bad. just a christmas day like i've never had before. here's the thing. i'm just hanging out at the apartment by myself just like any other day. Megan had to work this morning, so she got up and went to work just like usual. we did our gift giving last night and will be going to one of her uncles later this evening when she gets home. but for the first time in my life, for the hours between 10 am and 6 pm on december 25th i'm neither at work or with my family. i'm just hanging out playing some guitar hero and waiting for my lady to get home.
i decided not to go home to my parents since i couldn't really afford it, and i was just there. also, everyone is coming up here mid-january for our birthdays. so i'll see them all soon enough. but other than all these damn cookies and this incredible new hoodie i'm currently wearing, there's really no sign that christmas is going on at all.
speaking of my incredible hoodie, have a look at this awesome gift megan got me.
she also got me this movie:
and this movie:
and this book:
pretty good haul if you ask me. i also got some little odds and ends and a bunch of cash from my parents. that was nice. oh, and i also got this little goody which no house should be without. hold on to your ass.
that's right, my very own Lenox pewter elephant salt and pepper shakers. it's the thought that counts folks. and here's the real kicker, this is my second set of elephant salt and pepper shakers.
well, i hope everyone had a great christmas and that everyone is happy and healthy and all that gargle margle.
lakers vs. cletics tip off in 5 minutes. all i want for christmas is a celtics loss. and perhaps a knee injury to pierce.
rock, rock on!!
take it sleazy