heading home to mom and dad's tomorrow for the holiday. megan and i are leaving around 4 and should get there around midnight. gonna hang out down there till friday. should be a good time. megan is really looking froward to getting out of here for a few days. her job has been a bit of a killer lately and she's in need of a well deserved break. even if it's just for a few days. really looking forward to seeing the nephew. my sister sends endless pictures and it's crazy how big the kid is getting. i have to admit, he's pretty cool.
i grabbed this the other day and am more than happy with it.
and i'm thinking about going back and grabbing this after i get back home.
very nice.
the weather has officially turned cold and everything outside seems to be wet and dead. so annoying. spent some time today putting in the rest of the storm windows and winterizing the apartment. time to start bracing for the winter gas bills. i wonder if the extreme drop in gas prices will also reflect in the natural gas price? hope so.
my family has never been one to follow all the traditional thanksgiving traditions. thinking back on all the past thanksgivings i think it's safe to say that we have gone out to eat more than we stayed home for a big meal. it was always nice going out, we would eat at the same old inn downtown and usually have the same waitress every year. the food was always great, but the downsize was never having leftovers. since it's the nephews first holiday we are staying home but no turkey. instead we will have ham and duck. my mom has never liked doing things normal.
i need to go and finish packing. have a nice thanksgiving everyone.