finally nearing the end of just a dumb day. story of my life anymore it seems. crummy weather today, first day that it really snowed and got nasty outside. disgusting sign of what's to come. now the unemployed stuff isn't news around here so i'll skip those details. perfect example of how things are right now: today i have an interview scheduled in the morning for a job that i really have no interest in, a second interview actually, more of a training-introductory thing. really have no desire for it at all and looking for a reason not to go. luck would have it, a reason pops up. another interview around the same time for a job that i would much rather have but not as good a chance to get as the other. problem is i have no idea where it is, so i google the directions and head out. seemed pretty straight forward, only problem was that the directions lead me to absolutely nowhere near where i needed to be. i realized that it's partially my fault for not verifying where i was going, but damn, i thought i could count on the fucking internet. that's how things have been for the past few months. like i'm doing just enough to have shit fall apart in front of my eyes. so frustrating.
but it's not all doom and gloom. i have an interview tomorrow at 11:30 somewhere that i 1know exactly where it's at and 2could actually want and enjoy. think good things.
moving right along. i went to my friend mike's house the other night with my other friend mike and the three of us got into some serious Wii sports challenges. seemed like for hours. now the entire right side of my torso is killing me. i really need to listen to that little message on the game that recommends taking breaks from time to time. i was thinking about my friends the other night. the 3 main male friends i hang with are all named mike. there's mike, the other mike, and the other other mike. oddly enough me and megan have no problem understanding who the other is talking about when referring to them that way.
scored real nice tickets to the Cavs game the other night. right there pretty much behind the bench and right next to the locker room tunnel. i tried to score a headband or towel or something when they ran in and out of the tunnel, but no luck. still pretty nice, so close me and one of the mikes frequently discussed the players shoes and tattoos. good times.
and the Cavs are playing really good ball. been a lot of fun to watch.
past few nights have been filled with the AC/DC track pack for Rockband. really fun game, if the plastic guitars are your thing. i supposed you should also be into AC/DC to enjoy it. the entire game is live, recorded at some concert not to long ago, so you play along with the concert. i thought it would suck, but i was completly wrong. give it a spin of you would like.
sad to here about Mitch Mitchell passing away. first Rick Wright and now him. all these great musicians that really helped mold some of the greatest music ever. at least in my opinion. i'm pretty sure everyone in the Jimi Hendrix Experience is now dead. i'm sure they're having a blast somewhere. i really think that all three of them were from space.
one evening in college, a friend that i frequently get stoned with and myself watched this Hendrix dvd and there was this amazing old footage of Little Richard blasted out of his mind talking about Jimi Hendrix. this clip mixed with my own ridiculous stoned ideas made me believe that Jimi was clearly from another world. still to this day i see no reason to think otherwise.
and here's that clip. at least once today the internet comes through for me.
"at times, he made my big toe shoot up into my boot." little richard may have been from space as well.
well, i'm off to watch the Browns game.
alright then.
"finally nearing the end of just a dumb day. story of my life anymore it seems. crummy weather today, first day that it really snowed and got nasty outside. disgusting sign of what's to come. now the unemployed stuff isn't news around here so i'll skip those details."
......Is the story of my life. I hate the cold, dumb days are consuming my life, and I have not 1 dollar to my name.
*pats you on the back and lets you know you're gonna be alright, brotha*
Much love.