so usually this time of day on sunday i'm so wrapped up in football, and especially my fantasy teams, that updating this thing is the furthest thing from my mind. but seeing that my main team has decided to be one giant asshole i've sworn off football for the rest of the weekend. figure i'll sit here for a bit, get stoned and see what i come up with.
so two things you have to know right off the bat: Zoli, ass-shadow.
i don't think i've ever seen an ass shadow before. i would have never thought that it could be so sexy. but honestly, leave it to Zoli. can i just say real quick how fucking hot that girl is. if you've been reading this for a while you know i've been a fan for a while now. she's just so blatantly smoking dirty hot. Fatality and Zoli are hands down the 2 sexiest women on this site. i'll fight anyone to the death who says otherwise.
moving along. being that i'm a sucker for offensive television, i can't believe that i'm just very recently discovering It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. how did this thing get 4 seasons deep before i even see it? i haven't fallen in love like this with such a group of terrible, morally challenged, disgusting horrible people since Arrested Development. my god that show is 100 percent nonstop funny. all television should be like this.
charlie is without a doubt my favorite member of the gang. such a amazing character. i'd have a real hard time coming up with a reason why Philly isn't as funny, if not funnier than Arrested Development. and just one more TV note, Lost can't get hear soon enough. i'm sick of all these premieres and still having to wait till february for that to start.
a weird little trend i've noticed around here lately. on numerous peoples pages, in that little space next to your name i've noticed lots of Rancid lyrics. like 4 different pages i've noticed so far. nothing wrong with that, i'm not going to put mine up there, wouldn't know what it was even if i tried. awesome band, always been one of my favorites.
big season finale of I Love Money tonight. sad to see that show ending. but i did get everything i could ask out of it, Megan made it through the whole show. i don't even care if she wins tonight, i'm just glad i got to enjoy watching her each week. now just a few week holdover until the new charm school show starts, which should be just as ridiculous. let's hope Megan makes it all the way through this one to. so hot.
best breasts on cable television. go ahead, prove me wrong. can't be done.
i gotta go get ready for The Simpsons.
happy october. i turn 3 on this site sometime this month.
There were no lines! it was fantastic!