caught Pineapple Express the other day. very funny. but i think i enjoyed Superbad more.
i think i may have just found my dream job. well maybe not my dream job, but something i'd really be into. i've done my part, now i just have to wait for them to do theirs. think good thoughts for me.
so last week me and megan were faced with a bit of a dilemma. those free tickets we've been getting from the landladies for concerts at blossom made their way here again. free tickets to see Poison. you can't really get much more ridiculous than that. and for free and free parking why not. she gives us the tickets and the passes, and then not an hour later my buddy calls me and lets me know he got free tickets to see Bill Maher the same night. 5 rows back at that. so free Poison or free Bill Maher? the final idea was to try to hit both. Maher started at 8 and i figure Poison would go on around 9:30, and the venues were about 20 minutes away from each other. try to get a good hour and a half of Maher and then bounce over to blossom to catch the second half of the surly ridiculous Poison show. the final result was having way too much fun at the Bill Maher show and sticking around for the 2 + hours he did. missed Poison all together. no biggie, we easily got the best entertainment offered that evening. god damn funny.
the show was in Akron, at the EJ Thomas Hall. we are going back next tuesday to see this crazy guy. Craig Karges is his name and he's magic. his whole thing is that he's a mentalist and has this schpeel about how we as humans only use 10% of our brain and that if you can learn to use the other 90% you are capable of amazing things, mind power. MIND BULLETS!!! that's telekinesis Kyle. anyway, i've seen him twice before and it's blown my mind every time. both times i've participated in one of the tricks and been freaked out. he had me take a book he had, open it to any page i wanted and just pick a word. for whatever reason i focused on the word flatware. the entire time i was looking he stood in front of me with his back to me. he told me to just picture the word in my mind and concentrate on it. he stood there for like 45 seconds, talking the whole time: "ok, it's a longer word. kind of a strange work, it's like two words put together. it's FLATWARE!! i don't know how he did it, and the whole show is like that. the first time i saw him this group of black girls started calling him the devil and calling jesus and ran out of the hall. good times.
so anyway, if you are in the Akron area and want a interesting evening head that way. it's free and starts at 9:09 that evening. there's some interesting clips on youtube. check it out.
some quick thoughts:

i have to get a giant gold medallion of my face. extremely necessary.
poor Christina Applegate. first girl on tv that i'd jerk it to. i was in love.
i'm glad that she is ok. spooky stuff.
well that will do it for know i suppose.
right on.
i kinda wanna find someone to drive out with, but the catch is that i want to make it back in time for my 11am class at tri-c metro! lol