i just heard Robin and Jim broke up.

i finally got the all Tool issue of revolver. good read, if you're a fan of the band i would definitely check it out. after reading it i've become slightly obsessed with this Alex Grey guy. he's an interesting individual, and his artwork is all kinds of good. you'd recognize it from the past few albums.
really cool stuff. i guess he's got a big gallery in New York somewhere that's closing soon. and there is a new place called the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors that is going to be opening soon after that looks amazing. i guess there's going to be huge part devoted to Tool and the artwork they used. i'm thinking about sending a 10 dollar donation. if i do i can get my name on some Tool shrine that is going to be there. kinda silly, but for ten bucks i'll get my name on that.
what else is new? got stoned today and watched the second Harold and Kumar. lots of vagina in that movie. and one super hairy cock. i've moved on from my Lego Star Wars addiction and taken up Lego Indiana Jones. such good games. and while on the topic of Star Wars, i don't' know what to make of this new movie that's about to come out. i've got mixed feeling about it. i imagine i'll make it eventually, i've always wondered about the clone wars and what that was all about.
oh! more star wars. check this shit out. i would punch my momma for this.
here's an idea how big that fucker is.
they have one at a mall close to here and i spent about a half hour the other day drooling all over it. you should see the ass on that thing. my girlfriend can't think of anything more pathetic than my amazement with that statue. $2500.00 and it's mine.
i made it to The Dark Knight finally. i can't come up with the words to do that movie justice. it was pretty amazing. i can't help but feel that i did buy into the hype just a little bit, because i don't think that it was as good as i made myself think it would be. but it was really god damn amazing. i DO think that Heath Ledger deserves every word that is being said about his performance. "wanna see a magic trick?"
how about this?! i was just as impressed and excited about the trailer for The Watchmen. holy shit! that sums up my entire feelings about that movie. can someone give me some info on what that story is all about. i have no idea what it's about. i'm going to try to find a copy of the trade paperback next time i'm out. but yeah, if anyone reading this knows what that story's all about, share some of that with me.
few more things...
i'm a dork, but i'm pumped that fantasy football season is right around the corner!
still delightfully offended by how enjoyable I Love Money is.
possibly the current hottest SG around?
might be seeing Radiohead on the 4th. those awesome tickets i get from time to time could be mine any day now.
for some strange reason, over the past week my interest in recycling has increased 10 million times over. not a bad thing to be in i suppose. but strange how i all the sudden made it my lifes work. who knows?
i think i'm going to go jump into some Lego Indiana Jones.
have a good evening.
The caffeine ban sucks, it's infuriating and it's making me irritable because quite simply, I really like Coke.
*le sigh*
Now that I think about it, that might not be such a bad thing, lolz.