almost a month since my last update. that month went by in a blink of an eye. the hustle bustle of summer in the city i suppose.
what's new? the trip to my sisters to hang with the nephew was fantastic. he's a incredible little guy and i had so much fun being with him. he farts so much, and with such great force. i had no idea babies farted so much. i got to enjoy all the usual new baby activities-diapers, puke, burping, getting peed on. much to my surprise i handled it all with ease. i enjoy being an uncle.
the rest of time in Huntington was a good time. i'd spend all day with the kid, and then each night around 9 when he was zonked out i'd just pack a bowl and explore around. a lot has changed since i lived there. a bunch of places i'd go are gone now. there's newer things in their place or nothing at all. i had a few pleasant surprises, but for the most part it was still just dirty, nasty huntington. i had food from fazoli's! i was a junkie for that place in college and haven't eaten there in almost a decade. apparently no more unlimited bread sticks?
so the other day i posted a video in the AYBABTU group of a dipshit army parachuter guy misjudge his landing and proceed to smash into a practicing army marching band. i found it rather funny. so it's not posted for 15 minutes and whoever it is that runs that group locks it and gives me this "this belongs in Rigor Mortis group." first of all, i didn't even know that group existed and after learning of it am left with only to say what the sweet shit is going on there?? and secondly, nobody died on the clip. i saw another report of it and the worst was some fractures and a broken rib i think. bad injuries, no doubt, but no death or graphic shit. i the long run, really no big deal. i misposted something and the world still turns. but really, come on.
and while on that topic, how great is this?
here's some stuff.
me and megan = 2 years on the 23rd.
i need to figure out when i'm seeing The Dark Knight. needs to happen soon.
i heard that the hummer is being discontinued. at least one step in the right direction had been taken.
had a really good interview friday, looks good and i want it. think good things.
squeak got new boobs.
oh my....
new My Morning Jacket album is amazing times 100.
RockBand 2 or Guitar Hero: World Tour? decisions, decisions. who says you can't have both.
www.twitter.com/walkman808 that's me, i have no idea if people use that site. if so, that's me.
thinking about updating my profile here. been the same for quite a while.
Howard Stern all last week was some of the best Stern i've heard in years.
I Love Money has been everything i hoped it would be.
sales pitch:
"hello friends! do you like pictures, sexy ladies, or just plain helping someone out? if your answer is yes to any of this, then do yourself a favor and see tatian."
yeah, check it out if you've got a second. and comment some of those sets.
i did some number crunching and forecasting and all kinds of other fun stuff last night. and i'm thrilled to realize that in April of 2010 i will be 100% debt free. in fact, the debt consolidation bill i pay each month is always due on the 20th. so needless to say on 4:20, 2010 there will a rather large party and the invites are already out. there will be an open bar, snow cone machine and ferris wheel at a minimum. every-one's invited. mark your calendar. you can tell i'm happy with this news. i'm thrilled, especially since i've spent the last 6 or so years running in fear and hiding from my giant debt monster.
hope everything is kickass with everybody.