happy friday. i can't explain how happy i am that march is almost over. simply for the fact that april is almost here and that almost always means the end of winter. i've had enough for this year thank you. please bring on the nice weather.
sure has been a lot of dumb happening around this website lately. so much of it seems to stem from the hopefuls group. i get a kick out of it but it seems like it's starting to chase some people away. that sucks. i've always enjoyed this site and the community built around it. for the past 3 years or so it's been my little getaway from the every day stuff. and if anyone can clear up what the lawsuit talk is all about, i'd appreciate it. i have no idea who it was but some girl on the boards yesterday was all boo hoo fuck you angry at SG and said something about i hope you lose the lawsuit. so what's with that????
the job hunt is still going strong. i've had quite a few interviews and calls from potentials, but just nothing yet that looks any good. i had two interviews with this company that claimed they were a marketing firm, but turned out to be a shit sales job that involved driving all around everywhere and basically being a phony douche to every one that you meet. i spent the entire day yesterday with one of their account managers out in the field, a.k.a. some annoying girl driving around elyria ohio trying to sell office supplies. i gave up my day off for this. at the end of the day when she tried to get me to come back in the office for a follow up interview about the day and my experience and to fill out some doofy questionnaire about what she told me and what i retained:
her: "ok, let's go back in and you can talk with Mark and fill out the questionnaire and we can proceed with bringing you on board."
me: "well, my car is parked over there and i'm going to go ahead and head that way. i appreciate the time you spent with me today but there's no way i'd ever consider doing this."
that's pretty much exactly how it went. the one good thing about job hunting while currently employed is that you can be pretty choosy, which is nice. total waste of a day off.
got some bad news yesterday. my best friend here in cleveland just split up with his girlfriend. from the sounds of things it was a pretty mutual thing and not an ugly break up or anything, which is good. the thing is that i really liked his girlfriend, and so did my girlfriend. the 4 of us always had a great time hanging out really had a lot of good times. i'm saddened that this might not happen anymore. it didn't seem like they were having any problems and it kind of came out of the blue. i'll miss hanging out with them.
not smoking weed update: hard to believe but i've smoked once in the past 70 days. and it's currently been well over a month since last smoking. i've determined this. anyone "addicted" to weed is so unbelievably full of shit. i'm talking from experience here, very, very, very frequent usage for at least the last decade. and this time stopping has been no big deal at all. megan smokes every night almost and i sit right there next to her and don't even think about it. kind of weird. i do kind of miss it, but there's no overwhelming urge to pick it back up. right now the desire for a new job is way stronger.

she had some of the best journals. now that i think about it she was probably the reason i joined the site.
my dumshit boss is attempting to revive the monday night poker game that we used to always have. this was once a monumental evening every monday night and truly a thing of glory. the highlight of my week. this new idea is going to be a complete disaster. i kind of can't wait to see how bad it turns out.
i've said it a million times before, and probably a million more to come, but good god do i love The Secret Machines. 2 of the best albums i've ever heard. and some cook videos as well.
hope all is well with everyone. go get some sleep.
Being on the other side of the world I am hating that March is over
So, what made you stop smoking weed?