i'll be totally honest with you, i could really give a shit about saint patrick's day. i don't get it. being far from religious i don't know a thing about saint patrick. and since i really don't enjoy drinking, that aspect of the day means nothing to me as well. all day i watched these maniacs wondering around in all their green glory making asses of themselves. this girl that used to work for me looked forward to this day more than any other every year because it gave getting completely shitfaced a free pass. drunks are fucking stupid. i wonder what the "bah humbug" equivalent on saint patrick's day is? that's me.
i've got a couple job interviews tomorrow. the job hunt is going pretty good. i've had some pretty good response to my resume and have been contacted a number of times. just can't seem to find the right thing soon enough. or fast enough. i'm so sick of my job right now. and my fucking bosses. the job is just making my skin crawl anymore. and dealing with my boss, and his boss is enough to make my head explode. the only thing that has been keeping me going is the thought of getting out of there. at this point i don't care if it ends on good or bad terms, i just can't wait for it to end. it's gonna feel so good. and it's gonna happen soon. i can feel it coming. 2 interviews tomorrow. i'm hoping for the best.
saturday afternoon meg and me are heading down to see my sister in all her pregnant glory. her baby shower is this weekend as well as her first communion since she's super catholic now. it's going to be a real quick trip there and back, but i'm looking forward to it. i'm anxious to show megan around where i went to college. all the old stomping grounds and that good stuff. should be a nice quick little getaway.
this is old news, but the weather has been fucking insane recently. over the course of 1 week the weather went like this. monday it was 65 degrees, first really nice day of 2008 and a nice little tease that spring was on it's way. the next day about 3 inches of solid ice fell from the sky over the course of about 3 hours and destroyed all of cleveland. trees and power lines torn down everywhere. we lost power at work for about 4 hours and here at the house for about 10. a big water pipe thing exploded right in the middle of downtown making it look like a bomb went off. the ice melted away over the next two days just in time for friday to roll around and the biggest blizzard i've been a part of hits us around 5 in the afternoon friday. saturday i had to work, since the world would stop if fucking idiots couldn't get their movies. i was supposed to go in at 1 and it usually takes about 10 minutes to get to work. i started my day at 10:30 so i could have enough time to dig my car out of the disaster zone that was my street. and on top of everything else, my windshield wipers broke. it's the biggest blizzard ever, and my wipers don't even budge. when it was all over and done with we got about 2 feet of snow in about 18 hours. the past few days have been nice. still plenty of snow around, but it's melting nicely. i want spring here so badly.
my god this has been a pretty negative journal. since i'm in a bad mood, i think i'll finally do my taxes. seems fitting.
i hope all's well with everyone. hopefully i'll be back tomorrow with good news of new jobs and happy shit like that. take care.

Plus, most of my favorite friends either don't have memberships anymore or don't show up around here any more often than I do, so it's like... talking to a wall? I dunno...
How's life in Ohio? Enjoying March Hoops as always?