good evening everyone.
hope everyone had a nice valentines day. mine was pretty nice. i had to work all night, so that was kind of lame. but on a much lighter note, when i got home my girlfriend had one of these on:
so the day wasn't a complete loss.
i'm finally starting to feel like a human again. i've had this nasty, nasty cold since mid january and it's been taking it's toll on me. the past 3 days or so have been good. sleeping every night, all the way through and the cough attacks are almost completely gone. and i can breathe again out of my nose. so that's a plus. i decided to stop smoking weed while i was sick. i think the 23rd of last month was the last time i smoked. doesn't sound like all that much, but believe me it is. for me at least. i haven't gone this long without getting high in probably 5 or 6 years. surprisingly enough it hasn't been a big deal at all. told megan that i was going to take a nice little break, clean out the system and all that good stuff. probably wouldn't hurt anything. plus i can get super stoned for a while when i do decide to do it again.
i picked up that live daft punk album. that's been blasting my face off for the past few days. very enjoyable. still trying to get a hold of that black mountain album. i am having no luck what so ever finding that damn thing. hopefully tomorrow. i've got the day off and plan on fucking around all day. kind of feel like rearranging the living room. that could be fun.
have you ever clicked on the "ignore member" button. there's this girl on this site that drives me fucking nuts. not naming names or anything cause that's rude. but this little troll girl drives me insane to the point when i see her stupid little face in her avatar i want to punch my monitor. and her little remarks and shit just makes me shake with anger. and the kicker is that it's all for no reason. she's never done a thing to me. she's just one of those people that rub you the wrong way. i think we're allowed at least one of these people in our lives. anyway, moving on. i realized i could click on the ignore member button. my hope was that she would disappear off the face of the earth. what happens is even better. now there's her stupid picture with a trash bag on it. and all the post are ignored. it's fantastic. if any of you have mortal enemies around here i would strongly suggest it.
and yes, i've got all kinds of rage problems. see what happens when i get off the dope.
i can't really put into words how good lost has been so far this season. i'm gonna stick with fucking great.
while on that topic, thank god that dumb ass writers strike is over. i can rest easy again. lost will live on.
next week is that cavs game in the special vip section. very sweet.
i picked up the 5th season aqua teen hunger force dvd the other night. outrageous.
the concert scene around here has been kinda lame lately. waiting for something to come by and grab me.
i read in the tool group that they may already be working on a new album. that's kinda shocking. seems way to soon.
so how about this mess?? so this girl sash had this crazy original idea for a set for valentines day. how cute. candy hearts. and might i add, how original.
those of you who know me can guess where this is heading. i seem to remember a certain fantastic set going up a few valentines days ago. let's see.....
there was no way i was going to let that one slide by. i channel my inner Gob from arrested development when i say, "Come On!!!" at least it gave me a reason to go back and visit that perfect reagan set. and i'm confident saying it's at least 67 thousand percent better.
i will step down from my soapbox now.
i hope everyones weekend is going to be a lazy as mine. take care.