happy february everybody.
i have been so sick since my last post. i had the most disgusting cold ever, complimented with the worst brain shaking cough i've ever had. the past few days have been much better. i've been feeling a lot more human and am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. shitty thing is that i passed it on to megan and now she's miserable. she'll probably give it right back to me. and while on the topic of miserable, i found out today that a very very good friend of mine that works for the same company as me was put on a indefinite suspension and will more than likely lose his job. it sucks, cause he did fuck up pretty bad and it could have certainly been avoided. i just hate seeing a good friend put in a bad spot. also reminded me how much i want a new job. i gotta get out of retail.
how about that super bowl?! i enjoyed every bit of that game and got such a kick out of the outcome. honestly, i was pulling for new england and the record. i'm a big randy moss fan and really wanted them to win. however, by the end of the game i was definitely pulling for the giants. they certainly deserved to win. i thought that the commercials were the worst ever. i don't know if the writers strike has anything to do with that, but good god those million dollar spots sucked so much ass. i can't think of one that i enjoyed at all. i miss the bud bowl. and while cruising around the channels during the game i came across something called the puppy bowl on animal planet. apparently this is like the 3rd year they've done this. dumbest thing i've ever seen. i'm saddened that money was spent on this. hours and hours of puppies running around a fake football field chasing football themed toys while this maddening soundtrack of fan cheering played over top of it. so very, very stupid. and i love puppies. if anyone watched more than 2 minutes of this, they should be put away in an institute.
and speaking of the writers strike, i hear that there is some good news coming out of it and it might be wrapping up. this is fantastic news for one reason. LOST!!!!! i was so pumped that the show was back on last week and can't wait for this weeks episode. i think it was great and i think i can see how the remaining years are going to play out and it's going to be fantastic. it just needs to happen dammit, and i don't need the strike fucking it all up for me. i'm being 100 percent selfish here, i know. but the strike needs to end so i can have my Lost. yeah, i said it.
the guitar hero/rockband addiction is going strong. those games have brought a new appreciation to some music that i may have skipped over before. for example, i've never really cared to mush for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but playing that maps song is so much fun. beautiful song, and fantastic to rock out to, especially towards the end. i kind of look like someone having a seizure when i play that song. foreplay/longtime is awesome to play regardless of the instrument you pick. i love playing bass on that Jet song, are you going to be my girl. ass shaking fun. and by far, my guiltiest pleasure on rockband is easily Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden. so much fun to play. and i rock out the vocals from time to time. with of course, my finest high pitched metal vocals rocking the land. god damn that song is fun. on guitar hero i tend to get more into heavy guitar songs. faves include La Grange, Girlfriend, Welcome to the Jungle, Freebird, Cult of Personaltity, One. and some of the more obscure songs are great as well. that Buckethead song Jordan is great, and guitar hero 2 has a great Freezepop song on it, Less Talk More Rokk, or something like that. My name is Jonas and Holiday in Cambodia also get played quite often around here. i spend way too much time playing these games.
mentioning Freezepop makes me miss saraphine. she introduced me to those guys one evening while goofing off on this site. fun stuff. pretty girl.
i've got to go put a grocery list together. have a great evening everyone.


There Will Be Blood was very interesting ***1/2 .. Day-Lewis was spectacular but nowhere near the movie that No Country for Old Men was ****1/2