some thoughts on cigarette smoking/smokers:
-a law was recently passed in the greater cleveland area banning smoking in bars, clubs, anywhere inside for that matter. this is becoming the norm in most places anymore it seems. this needs to go away. i don't smoke or spend hardly any time in bars anymore, so it really doesn't bother me in the traditional sense. the neighborhood i live in has many bars and pubs all over, and honestly i'm so tired of seeing these groups of people in front of the bars in their little cig groups. stay inside, stop uglying up my town.
-whenever i see someone riding a bicycle smoking a cigarette i want to hit them with my car. it's just the silliest looking thing you'll ever see.
moving on. so december is here. the snow and cold really hasn't been all that bad so far. i know it's just around the corner and soon i'll be cursing the skies, but so far so good. the thing that really has my head spinning is just how fast this year went by. i guess it has something to to with getting older, but shit, 2007 didn't seem to last long at all. i had a great year, so i suppose i'll be thankful.
my girlfriends sister and brother in law got that rock band game for the 360. what a fucking blast that game is. guitar hero times 1000. it took me quite a while to buy into the guitar hero madness, but i'm pretty hooked. and that rock band game might be the greatest thing ever, the drums are hands down the best part. the first night we all played we didn't stop for about 6 hours. i was sore the next morning, it was great. the 4 of us started a band called the dick kickers, and we rock. believe it.
so it's been like half a year since there's been a new reagan set, and i think that is lame. my hope is with the back to back quinne madness that just went down we might get a nice run of some of the more old school SGs. i hope we haven't seen the last of her.
just in case you forgot:
still the all time champ.
and let me mention something about quinne, actually quinne and zoli and the set of theirs that recently went up. i wonder if i'm the only person disappointed by that set. don't know why, when i saw it went up my first reaction was that this was going to be hot as hell, especially with zoli, that girl oozes sex. the set was nice and well done. i guess the images racing through my mind when first seeing the picture on the main page ended up being better than the actual ones. i'm probably alone on this one.
i saw zoli on some E! show, 12 hottest hollywood jobs or something. good christ that girl is smoking hot.
we went to see No Country For Old Men the other night. great movie. strange ending, but all in all a fantastic moive. tommy lee jones is getting old as hell. during the previews, i saw my first look at the new daniel day lewis movie, There Will Be Blood. very, very intense looking. the kid that wouldn't talk in Little Miss Sunshine plays this creepy looking preacher. i think that guy will end up with a better career than the little girl, whatever her name was. creepy kid. child actors freak me out. i can't think of 1 kid under the age of 10 that played the lead in a movie that didn't bother me.
not to long ago there was a superman vs. doomsday cartoon movie released. what a huge disappointment this turd was. the original death of superman story line was fantastic. as well as the funeral for a friend and return of superman story lines that followed. when i think back on it, that particular story is was what originally got me into comics. i remember seeing a story on the news about how they were going to be killing off superman in the comics. i thought to myself, well that can't be right, and bought the issue and then pretty much every superman comic for roughly the nest ten years. i still read the novel every year or so. so they made a movie out of the story and totally butchered it to pieces. i don't think i've ever been more upset with a movie ever. anything for a buck i guess. if a movie version of The Maxx is ever released and they destroy it like that one i will personally buy as many copies as i can get my hands on, burn them, and then UPS the remains to whatever terrible studio released it.
lucky for me the chances of a Maxx movie ever being released are about the same as me staring in the next awful superman movie.
before i end this, i have to share this with as many people as i can. again, this could be another case of me being way behind on the newest shit. who knows. the other night me and the lady were relaxing on the couch stoned like no other and we stumbled across this piece of magic on the tv. later in the evening we would discuss if what we saw was indeed real or if perhaps we shared some kind of amazing dream. enough of that already. i give you the newest Snoop Dogg video: Sensual Seduction.
i believe the title on the album is Sexual Eruption, which only makes it better. i think this is clearly the best step for Snoop to take. sex fiend lounge singer is one of the few things he hasn't experimented with yet, and would be the logical next step, career wise. i swear to you, if the entire album is like that it will be all that i listen to. i hope everyone enjoys that as much as i.
i hope all is well. be good.