good evening everybody.
let me get this right out of the way. i know it's like a year old, but tough, it's phenomenal.
so divine.
i think my absolute favorite part is, "he'll kick your apart, he'll kick you apart. ohhh!!!"
i'll spare everyone any story as to why i haven't updated in so long. honestly, just haven't been into it. i usually check the site out at least once a day, and i've certainly thought about updating. some times it just takes a guy three months. you know how it is.
strange thing, when i'm not updating this thing, it seems i get all kinds of friend requests. how's that work?
life is pretty sweet right now. things with the lady are fantastic as ever. she has pretty much moved in, and i'm really enjoying that. it's reached that point that it's really weird when she's not here. and i don't like it when she's not here, so i take that as a great sign. we're both trying to eat a lot better than we usually do. cutting out sugar, drinking tons of water, and all that good stuff. feels pretty good. there's the occasional slip from time to time, but there's been a lot more salads in my life lately.
so this is the second time that i find myself bummed out to find that saraphine has left the site. i hope her new salon she just opened is a huge success. she's easily one of the coolest SGs ever. EVER!!!
just not enough red heads around to keep me happy. i wish her nothing but great things.
and while on the topic of this site. what the fuck is going on? i've always loved this site, but it's just getting so huge. and it's weird to say, but there are way to many girls. and you know how you can tell that there are too many girls, because the names have become absolutely ridiculous. i certainly won't name names here, but christ they have gotten bad. i can't be the only one to think this. i guess there are only so many cool names that you can pair with suicide and have it sound cool. i think after about 1100 the good ones were all taken. i'd love to blast on some of the really bad ones i've seen, but that would be really mean to to girls themselves, who i wouldn't want associated with all the fun making. some times on the main page it takes me a minute to figure out which one is the girls name and which one is the sets name. some good ones that have yet to be used:
nintendo suicide
clorox suicide
yoda suicide
those are hot for the taking.
and how about that crazy asshole nana suicide. what a shit storm she stirred up last month or whenever. wow people lost their minds over that stuff. i thought the set was crap, and i wasn't all that offended by it either. although i haven't been raped or killed by nazis. the most enjoyment i got out of it was the outrage it inspired on the boards. i'm curious just how many people did leave because of that set. i bet not many at all. would be interesting to know.
guess i'll wrap this sucka up with some random thoughts on the world.
this writers strike madness is more than likely going to make me lose my fucking mind. if Lost dies because of this i will throw my tv off the roof in protest. i may go crazy if that show never ever plays out and everything is answered one way or another. and i respect what the writers are doing and striking for, but if i ever meet one on the streets, they can expect a stern wag of my finger.
local sports. the Indians run was a blast. i'm concerned be the way the Cavs look and worry that this whole season os going to be like walking on thin ice the entire time. and the Browns actually playing football is fantastic. who saw that coming?!
how come there was no burlesque tour this year??
my fantasy football teams this year have been total shit. not fun at all.
i haven't been to a strip club in quite a long time now, but apparently Ohio just passed some real stupid new law that really puts the hurt on the clubs. and i guess dancers across the state are really going to be hit hard by some of these new rules. the clubs will certainly be a lot more tame anymore.
i don't understand why so much time and money and effort is put into making and passing laws and stuff like that. aren't' there a lot more thing to worry about? dumb Ohio.
we got this Aqua Teen Hunger Force golf game for the PS2 at the store today. i'm off tomorrow and plan on wasting the entire day playing it. i hope it's absurd.
there has been nothing more entertaining on television in the past few days than that dumb shit Dog the Bounty Hunter on cable news shows crying and begging for forgiveness while explaining how he's going to have his corpse buried with the bodies of slaves at mt vernon. and all the while with that absolutely amazing hair.
watch this one at least until the sweet breakdown Dog has at about the 4:15 point.
and this is just 100 percent pure magic from 3:25 till 4:40.
"i now realize that i'm not black at all". amazing. what a douche. and if you can't enjoy the lunacy of it all, just take a minute to enjoy that sweet, sweet hair. my god. and the hell of it is that he had to get it ready like that. in make up before the show. at some point someone had to check if Dogs hair was ready for live tv. and someone said yes, yes it is. get out there you handsome son of a bitch.
stuff like that makes my day.
i think i'm going to go make a late dinner. hope everyone is well.
i'll be back sooner than later.
Sounds like you and I are on similar wave lengths, life style wise. Right on