okay, so i'm not even going to try to come up with a reason that i haven't been around here all that much lately. i've definitely been lurking around each day at some point, just haven't felt like posting much. and posting in april is for suckers. that's what i'm going with this time. but i've got that itch again, so i'll have at it i suppose.
so how has everyone been? things here have been fantastic. everything seems to be moving in the right direction these days. like usual i waited to the very last minute to do my taxes, and like usual i ended up owing. work is work, kinda slow these days, but that's expected with the return of summer. stuff with the lady are as good as ever. really, really good actually. i feel pretty confident that i'll be spending the rest of my life with this one. that's a thought i've really been enjoying lately, and one that hasn't been frightening me at all. so that's nice. i took her home to the parents a few weeks ago. that went even better that i expected. she really enjoyed the time there and got to see some of the beauty that i'm always talking about when discussing my hometown back in west by god virginia. even managed to talk her out of her clothes in a couple places out in the middle of nowhere on top of mountains. i'd love to share the pictures that i got during that, but i don't' really see that going over so well. rest assured, they're sexy.

so what else? got the Kings of Leon concert coming up on the 22nd. i'm looking forward to some loud madness that night. their new album is fantastic, so do yourself a favor and enjoy that one for a little while. this one isn't on the new album, but it's a goodie.
and in a awesome twist of luck, Tool is going to be back in the area, youngstown to be exact, and you know i snatched up a couple tickets for that right away. July 1st, me and my baby will be there getting our faces melted off. god damn i can't wait. i just saw them a couple months ago, and from the looks of things they are playing pretty much the same set, but i could care less. i'm pumped. can't get here soon enough.
in unrelated news, the NBA playoffs have been fucking spectacular this season. this is always my favorite time of year. i'm a big NBA dork, and the playoffs each year is kind of a holy time for me. my Pistons look incredible, and honestly, i think that they could handle any of the teams from the west. the local favorite Cavaliers are looking really good and they are fun to watch. i enjoy cheering them on, but the ugly truth is that they will eventually have to play Detroit, and i will be a Cavs fan no more.
how about a few random thoughts:
I haven't figured out what has been more entertaining, the whole Paris Hilton going to jail saga, or the drunken David Hasselhoff video.
a lot of people are walking around with a boner because of this new Nine Inch Nails album. i heard it, no boner. i've always failed to see the Trent Reznor genius i hear so much about.
i'm saddened by how much bad press 28 weeks later has been getting. i've really been looking forward to that movie and from the sounds of things it's pretty bad. that sucks.
sequel mania at the movies this summer huh? spidey 3, shrek 3, pirates 3, harry potter 5 or 6 or who gives a fuck. lots of them.
steel cage match, who wins? spiderman vs. jack sparrow vs. shrek vs. harry potter. four enter, one leaves. who you got?
i just remembered the simpsons movie comes out this summer. officially the movie i'm most looking forward to.
if i don't get on some roller coasters this summer i might end up killing a few people. it's been way too long.
how about some naked? wanna see the most recent girl to completely destroy me. in a good way of course. behold.....
i've never felt like a dirtier old man than i did when that set went up. but good god, i haven't seen a girl that beautiful on this site in a little while. i just have to keep telling myself, "she knows she's naked and people are checking her out. you're not going to hell." wow. just freaking wow.
one last thing before i head out of here, and this is serious, so listen up. if you aren't watching Lost, you are dumb. it's as simple as that. each week my head hurts at the end of each episode. i've never seen anything like this show and the story has got my head so messed up and blown away, i've honestly got no idea what's going on and i couldn't be happier. those of you that watch the show know what i'm talking about. i've got a bunch of theories about what the island is all about, and i'm sure they are all wrong, but who cares. late at night i'll lay in bed and just think about different aspects of the show and try to make sense of it all. impossible. and just when i think my head is going to break, my thoughts drift to fantasies of Kate and Juliet making out, and i nod off blissfully into sleep. BEST SHOW EVER!!!
goodness, i have to go to work in 6 hours. goodnight everyone.