let me tell you a little about this joint that i'm currently smoking. last night megan rolls this joint of the most scrumptious pot i've had in a long, long time. we made it half way through before we were both stoned, drooling and lost on the couch. and now here i am smoking the other half. so we shall see where this post goes.
speaking of megan... warning: long winded pretty high mushy girlfriend jibber jabber to follow. click at your own risk.
so if you've made it through that, what else is new?
the My Morning Jacket concert was a million percent bad ass. great, great show. if you ever get the chance, go. don't ask why, just go. and it was my first time seeing a show a the Cleveland house of blues. pretty cool place. the setting is fantastic for a show. the sound could have been a little better. but damn can those guys lay it down. it was way better then when i saw them open for pearl jam this summer. they really deserve a headlining spot where they can do their thing.
i was thinking today, trying to figure out when i stop caring about christmas. at some point it became annoying as hell. i think i lost somewhere along the line about the same time that snow days became ineffective. i remember getting pumped whenever it would snow, thinking the more the better. how many days of school can i miss this time. now it starts to snow and i automatically get pissed, immediately figuring out how it's gonna fuck me the next day.
if it's not obvious, it's finally snowing in Cleveland.
my fantastic girlfriend just walked in the house just a little drunk. i'll finish this mess later.