-the secret machines
-lyrics born
-mf doom
-my morning jacket
-the kings of leon
-pink floyd
-led zeppelin
-the beastie boys
-frank zappa
that number 5 spot on the all time list has always been a bitch to fill. every time that i think i've got a firm grip on who would be the final definite answer i realize someone that i've left off should be on the list.
so morphine changes from time to time.
ok. not to point out just how big of a pothead i am. but god damn. i've been stoned for like 3 days straight. and not like just carrying a buzz. stoned.
anyway. no news on the folks. still kind of humored by the whole thing.
a few things:
-Nate Robinson is a bad mother fucker.
-the green mooninite is maybe one of the funniest cartoon characters ever.
-talked to Roger the other day. he and Lori are finally engaged.
-i believe Steph is back in huntington now.
-i'm dealing with a Howard Stern-less morning easier than i thought.
-regional meeting wednesday.
the meeting might be odd. no Ann first of all. that's just bad. Mike will no doubt be mr VIP. that's cool. finally get to see Rickelle and her girlfriend together. what a weird tale that is. Rickelle might be one of the craziest broads ever. very lovely, and i am quite fond of her. but batshit crazy. that last haircut should have given the whole lesbian thing away.
i really got to get the dishes done tonight. and the bedroom is a disaster.
thanks for the compliment