Been a while since I've updated my blog. Been doing a lot of travel lately. There is a common theme in my travels. I visit a place, I eat too much, drink too much, and have a good time. In order for my blog to not become a Tolkien novel, I'll do pictures. Let's start with my trip to Cincinnati I went there on the weekend of April 25, 2008.
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The voice actors for Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, and Sari from Transformers Animated. (forgot the first guy's name, David Kaye (who also did Megatron from Beast Wars up to Animated, and is the narrator in the Enzyte commercials), and Tara Strong (hot damn she's hot, she has been in a lot of cartoons, and she did the voice of Rikku in FFX and FFX-2)
This is the infamous "When are you guys coming out with an Arcee toy?" guy
My brother, Dak, and Kingbotz
Two weeks after that, on the weekend of May 9, 2008, I went to Pittsburgh.
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Boner and Rick talking before we got our food in Cambodican
No, not terrorists, anti-Scientology protestors. Some of them wore masks.
No jukebox during the day at Dee's, bartender was a cunt bitch who thought our NY driver's licenses were fakes, but anyway, this is one of those arty type pictures
Finger-stache metal!
Eric hates giraffes
Two weeks after that, on Memorial Day weekend, I went to California. I got drunk and went to some of the "gentlemen's clubs" up in San Francisco (Roaring 20's, Little Darlings). It had been a very long time since I'd been there and the talent seems to have greatly increased. Every time I hang out with my cousin Emilio I always have a freakin' blast. I got some REAL Mexican burritos and I also brought home some pastrami burgers for my brother.
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My favorite bar in SF closed. They had some damn good Long Island Iced Teas. Yeah, they cost $9.00, but they were pure liquor. Three of those and I was off to a good start.
Transamerica Building
Me inside one of the best burrito joint/Mexican restaurants ever, El Taqueria Zorro. I got $50 worth of Super Mojado burritos and froze and brought some of that home to my brother.
That's my cousin Emilio
Bartender from this sports bar down in Union Square. My cousin and I got there earlier in the afternoon, like around 2 or 3. They had good Long Island's there. I asked the bartender about her shirt, found out she really is a Cougar in training, spoke to her about cougars, and if I lived in SF, I would have asked for her number because, well, lets say I really like cougars/pumas (cougars in training).
Then, 2 weeks after that was SG Gala in Toronto. I will update this section later if I get permission from participating parties to use their blogs/pics.
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First King_Mob, Eryck, siamkittie, and myself went to duty free to pick up some beer, and then we went to THE BEER STORE!!!!!!!11!!11!1!!!! I fucking love that place. So many good beers there. I got some Sleiman's, it was a mix pack. I really like the Sleiman's red.
I failed in my search for good poutine. The first night we went to the Regal Beagle across from the Holiday Inn where we were staying, and the food sucked ass. Then we went to some restaurant downtown somewheres, and I had better poutine, but it still wasn't the real deal. I will have to make a trip into Canada to get the real stuff.
Maligne and me
Lee, me, and Rubix
These ladies are awesome. They were nice and friendly and they were appreciative of my comments regarding their sets. I was kinda nervous about meeting them at first, but they were very easy to talk to. Sometime if opportunity ever came about I would love to chat with them again.
On the Sunday after the Gala, we went to brunch at the Shanghai Cowboy (was that the name of the place?) Brunch was pretty good, lots of SG folks there. Other than my party, (Eryck, DelaneyStar, siamkittie, King_Mob), the only folks I remember their names were khoos, mydogfarted, trixxx, Bender99, and Koston. It was a good time.
Alright, that's it for this blog. Next blog I will update you on my garden, its progress, and any other random happenings in my life. Thank you all for tuning in. Now I'm off to see The Incredible Hulk. Peace out yall.
and i LOVE mexican food...for fifty bucks, i need to go there sometime and try it out... you're making my mouth water, lol