Hmm, what to blog about. I've got lots on my mind, but not sure what I want to write about. Hmm, spinning blog wheel (death, what happened at work today, Breanne, Breanne's butt, my computer, me being sick, the hot sets I've enjoyed lately, my lack of new pictures, beer, cheese, the Rambo 4 trailer, food.)
I'm going to go with SG in general. I might have touched upon this before, but I feel I can be open and myself here. I can talk/write to girls here I would be too chicken shit in real life to talk to or approach. (I'm a shy person in person, believe it or not.) Some of the girls I send messages to don't write back, but okay, whatever. I ramble sometimes, I say a lot all the time, and maybe I appear too eager or perhaps uninteresting to some folks. Some folks may get turned off by my sense of humor. The folks I'm most drawn to or are most comfortable around are the ones where I can say the most ridiculous shit to that others might find offensive in some way and they laugh and accept that or laugh and say something ridiculous back. Folks that don't take themselves 100% seriously 100% of the time, open and honest folks who don't pretend that they are without fault and are invincible. I feel that SG has more folks like that than most of the general public. I don't want to single anyone out and make the others feel left behind, but all my friends here are wonderful folks.
Go check out Elettra's set.
She has finally gone live. What a gorgeous girl, perfect example of the things I wrote about in the above paragraph. (Okay, I lied. I singled you out. But the spotlight is on you at the moment.) 
I'm going to go with SG in general. I might have touched upon this before, but I feel I can be open and myself here. I can talk/write to girls here I would be too chicken shit in real life to talk to or approach. (I'm a shy person in person, believe it or not.) Some of the girls I send messages to don't write back, but okay, whatever. I ramble sometimes, I say a lot all the time, and maybe I appear too eager or perhaps uninteresting to some folks. Some folks may get turned off by my sense of humor. The folks I'm most drawn to or are most comfortable around are the ones where I can say the most ridiculous shit to that others might find offensive in some way and they laugh and accept that or laugh and say something ridiculous back. Folks that don't take themselves 100% seriously 100% of the time, open and honest folks who don't pretend that they are without fault and are invincible. I feel that SG has more folks like that than most of the general public. I don't want to single anyone out and make the others feel left behind, but all my friends here are wonderful folks.
Go check out Elettra's set.

you are right!! and kittys grrrrreat!!!

That's just it man, it was the Kitties and Bobbies groups where it flared up. Totally bizzare.