Here's the closest representation of me as a Meez: (it is supposed to be the Thriller dance but it cuts the animation off)

Here's a Meez of what I wish I looked like and what my ideal situation would be: (that's supposed to be the Jessica Alba Meez but it can really be (hot SG/Kate Beckinsale/Naomi Watts)

Here's a Meez of what I wish I looked like and what my ideal situation would be: (that's supposed to be the Jessica Alba Meez but it can really be (hot SG/Kate Beckinsale/Naomi Watts)

Thanks for commenting. x x x
I had not heard that story about the shot and wounded woman being ingored by other people. I can't belive some woman took a photo and kept walking. That makes me want to cry. You're really right, how can we treat other humans like that? I have a similar story, though. Here in Brisbane, an elderly lady had had a stroke at a busy busstop, had collapsed and passed out. This place was busy, right, and she was still there for about 3 hours before anyone bothered to check if she was okay. Again, this is disgraceful.
I'm really glad you feel the same as I do on this whole issue.