I loved these guys back in the day. My favorite tag team of all time. Watching this brings me back 20 years to when I was an 8 year old kid watching wrestling. I loved these guys ever since the first match I've seen of theirs. When you're a kid, you typically like the face (good guy) characters and hate the heel (bad guy) characters. For a kid to like a heel in that era of wrestling was rare. Point being, no tag team and very few singles wrestlers have had as much of an impact on me as Demolition did.
Why does everything from when you were a kid and growing up seem so much better than the things we have nowadays?
And yes, things were better... didn't take $500 toys to keep us amused. plastic skateboards, hypercolor shirts, and cardboard boxes were all we needed! No Gang Bangin video games, or crystal meth. Oh well... Such is life.
I don't know if it would be so bad to have a relationship with that girl you work with. What are you afraid of?