Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down... My life has been a little crazy lately. All of these situations will require way too much explanation, so I'm going to break it down to the basics.
First, a woman I cared about very deeply and who I thought cared about me decided our relationship was a little too difficult for her to handle, so she has stopped contacting me. It was a long distance relationship and we didn't really get to see each other because she claims she had no one to watch her daughter. I don't like to think about her because it still really hurts thinking about how happy she made me and knowing she is no longer going to be there.
Next, my employment at my aunt's office (she is a doctor) was "forcefully terminated" because she lost some papers and blamed it on me, we had an argument and it got really ugly, so my aunt is effectively out of my life for the time being, and I'm not going to talk to her until she apologizes to me directly, which will never happen. She is a big egomaniac and that's not just me who will tell you that, anyone in my family will tell you the same, and also anyone of her employees. It is never her fault for anything, it is always someone elses, even when she gets caught red handed.
The day I was fired I moved in with one of my closest friends which put a strain on the relationship with my mom. She wants me to live at home until I get on my feet, which don't get me wrong, I appreciate it very much, but she drives me completely nuts sometimes and when knows exactly how to make me instantly angry with the things she says. If she wasn't my mom I would probably tell her to fuck off. Anyone who has a parent that is an immigrant from another country that raises their kids in the United States knows that our parents just don't understand. Shit, I don't understand half of the things she tries to explain to me in English. I was never taught how to speak my people's language so I just leave the area whenever I hear what sounds like gibberish to me.
After that, a couple of weeks ago was the whole cheating in Ohio bullshit, which I blogged about here. That really hurt me. And then last weekend I stopped up at the trailer to pick up a few things, and who did I see there? The girl he cheated with. The both of them disgust me right now. They are not sorry for what they did, if they were, and they really cared about the friend who's life they destroyed, they would have realized they made a very big mistake and would have avoided each other. This friend is still a friend of mine, everyone is entitled to their mistakes, even though this was just about the biggest mistake anyone could make. He is just at the bottom of the people I respect list.
My point I'm trying to make is that I'm still happy. It is easier to be happy when you do not have to get up and go to a job everyday, but even if I did, I would be happy. I believe that my life is going through a cleansation, a separation from all of the crap going on right now. Life is removing people and situations that bring me down and are harmful to me, leaving me happier overall. It sucks at the time the events happen but I'm looking at the bigger picture. I have my family and my friends to help me out and help me get through. I'm still getting my bills paid, I have food to eat, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head. I try not to think about the bullshit and just concentrate on what I do have. This is life's way of giving me a blank slate, a way to restart and rethink what I want, where I am going, and how to get there. It is difficult to be positive about it at times but you have to be. You can't give up on life. I want to be happy and I want to be surrounded by happy people because life is too short for anything less than that.
First, a woman I cared about very deeply and who I thought cared about me decided our relationship was a little too difficult for her to handle, so she has stopped contacting me. It was a long distance relationship and we didn't really get to see each other because she claims she had no one to watch her daughter. I don't like to think about her because it still really hurts thinking about how happy she made me and knowing she is no longer going to be there.
Next, my employment at my aunt's office (she is a doctor) was "forcefully terminated" because she lost some papers and blamed it on me, we had an argument and it got really ugly, so my aunt is effectively out of my life for the time being, and I'm not going to talk to her until she apologizes to me directly, which will never happen. She is a big egomaniac and that's not just me who will tell you that, anyone in my family will tell you the same, and also anyone of her employees. It is never her fault for anything, it is always someone elses, even when she gets caught red handed.
The day I was fired I moved in with one of my closest friends which put a strain on the relationship with my mom. She wants me to live at home until I get on my feet, which don't get me wrong, I appreciate it very much, but she drives me completely nuts sometimes and when knows exactly how to make me instantly angry with the things she says. If she wasn't my mom I would probably tell her to fuck off. Anyone who has a parent that is an immigrant from another country that raises their kids in the United States knows that our parents just don't understand. Shit, I don't understand half of the things she tries to explain to me in English. I was never taught how to speak my people's language so I just leave the area whenever I hear what sounds like gibberish to me.
After that, a couple of weeks ago was the whole cheating in Ohio bullshit, which I blogged about here. That really hurt me. And then last weekend I stopped up at the trailer to pick up a few things, and who did I see there? The girl he cheated with. The both of them disgust me right now. They are not sorry for what they did, if they were, and they really cared about the friend who's life they destroyed, they would have realized they made a very big mistake and would have avoided each other. This friend is still a friend of mine, everyone is entitled to their mistakes, even though this was just about the biggest mistake anyone could make. He is just at the bottom of the people I respect list.
My point I'm trying to make is that I'm still happy. It is easier to be happy when you do not have to get up and go to a job everyday, but even if I did, I would be happy. I believe that my life is going through a cleansation, a separation from all of the crap going on right now. Life is removing people and situations that bring me down and are harmful to me, leaving me happier overall. It sucks at the time the events happen but I'm looking at the bigger picture. I have my family and my friends to help me out and help me get through. I'm still getting my bills paid, I have food to eat, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head. I try not to think about the bullshit and just concentrate on what I do have. This is life's way of giving me a blank slate, a way to restart and rethink what I want, where I am going, and how to get there. It is difficult to be positive about it at times but you have to be. You can't give up on life. I want to be happy and I want to be surrounded by happy people because life is too short for anything less than that.
WOOT!fresh prince!!! thats great. yeah i have no respect at all for cheaters. it makes me glad youre trying to be happy though. and yes i used clorox in the plastic tub and it got most of it out...not all of it. i guess im gonna try to do it again tonight. hope you have a fun saturday!!
hahaha i liked your joke about me being purple. yeah i wasnt blushing i was cringing at the fact that he was smearing red make up on me haha. i cant handle any more colors on my face!!!