I've been keeping kind of a low profile. So much has gone on personally and with the band it kinda makes my head spin. And then I find out even more surreal news. Sometimes it's all too much.
2 main things have been going on. I had a fallout with Shane and Ben from NRL over money owed. I made the mistake of taking it public on myspace only after the fact of seeing other people commenting on it. Mutual friends got involved and it turned into a train wreck fast. I then said fuck the money, could I at least get an apology for being lied to? Guess I can't even get that. Yeah, words said out of anger happened on both sides. All I wanted was some communication to try and work it out. Silence speaks volumes. Ah well, hate to see it end on such a sour note, but what can you do? They wanted in on an upcoming show on 7/6. They probaly could have played too if we ironed shit out. Anyway, I am done losing sleep over it. But if I see them badmouthing us saying how they were "snubbed by The Sheckies", they need to look in the fucking mirror, I did try to fix things. Let's see if I can get away with venting over here without the shit hitting the fan yet again. Isn't that the purpose of a blog anyway? To get shit off your chest? Contrary to popular belief i'm not looking for sympathy nor am I "hounding someone for money". Although Shane should thank me for giving him the best PR ever. The guy has made a lot of enemies dicking people over around here in the past. Hell, he's a conquering hero now in most peoples eyes after all this. Unbelievable!
The band has been on it's usual up and down rollercoaster ride at least personally. I really thought it was gonna end the Friday before last. But we sat down and ironed shit out. We then played the 3 shows I previously blogged about. I though it went rather well. We got offered to play a private party that we had to turn down. Kinda bummed about that, but oh well. We're heading up to a studio in North Jersey that Joe Queer recommended to us to record 6 tracks for an upcoming split with The Shuttlecocks on Rally Records the end of next week. Should be fun. Speaking of Joe Queer, and the surreal part. The Sheckies go on a diet is happeneing after all! Penny tells me yesterday Joe said himself we would go on tour with them if Andy and I could lose 100 lbs in a year. Sounds like a friggin' reality show if there ever was one! I emailed him this morning and he said, "yup, it's true". He's supposed to email me all the info later when he gets time. Guess we'll see eh?
The 7/6 show is driving me nuts, we still need to get a venue. I got a ton of bands who want in. It's going to be some friggin' show! We'll concentrate on getting that squared away in May. If we only had a decent all ages venue around these parts. Cripes, I miss the Legion Hall!
I'm sad to say Cindy and I have grown apart. We're still friends and exchange emails. But it's not like it was. And phone calls and chats are a thng of the past. I don't think she ever got over Martha visiting me. She thinks she's interferring with us getting back together and it's simply not the case. We were growing apart over the last year so I guess it is for the best. I'm really missing her cute accent though.
It really does feel like I've lost my best friend, but I have to respect her wishes. I just hope she always remembers to put herself first and find time for the things she likes out there. Such a difficult situation she's in, I wish her nothing but success.
Martha and I are still in communication. We're just biding our time I guess. Her kids are just about grown and soon to start their own lives. Maybe we will get back together, but who knows. Nothing is guarenteed. I'm just glad she was able to come visit me. If anything I hope we continue to do that down the road 'till we figure things out.
My friend Margaret is threatening to turn me into a social butterfly. However, work stepped in and reared it's ugly head. May looks busy as all hell. Don't know if there will be much time for hanging out. I'm glad I finally got a chance to go to the Bombay Indian restaurant thanks to her. Also went back to the Tokyo Japanese restaurant 2 weeks ago with my co-worker Dawn, her Mom, and Andy. I'm so hooked on sushi and sashimi. I want to go back. I told the twins about it at work. They want to go too. It will be nice to give them a night out after Larry's passing. Awwww...the gave me a bag loaded with all his old hats. I now have like 6 or 7 Eagles hats I'll wear proudly onstage. I finally retired my old beat up hat, it was about time!
I went out to the movies for the first time in almost 2 years. So what was the flick that made we want to brave a movie theater? Why Grindhouse of course! That movie is so kick ass! The whole experience is! Why that movie isn't making big bucks shows that most people suck!
Was kinda stunned my old co-worker Mimi called me at work last week and offered me a living room set for free. I had no room for a sofa, but the chair and love seat were nice. My living room actually looks like a living room now! I still feel bad how things turned out for her. She's moving up to her daughter's place in West Chester. I think it's for the best. She needs to get her health in order.
So that's about it. I'm heading out to the party for Kite later. Should be fun. 'Till the next time, Adios motherfuckers!
2 main things have been going on. I had a fallout with Shane and Ben from NRL over money owed. I made the mistake of taking it public on myspace only after the fact of seeing other people commenting on it. Mutual friends got involved and it turned into a train wreck fast. I then said fuck the money, could I at least get an apology for being lied to? Guess I can't even get that. Yeah, words said out of anger happened on both sides. All I wanted was some communication to try and work it out. Silence speaks volumes. Ah well, hate to see it end on such a sour note, but what can you do? They wanted in on an upcoming show on 7/6. They probaly could have played too if we ironed shit out. Anyway, I am done losing sleep over it. But if I see them badmouthing us saying how they were "snubbed by The Sheckies", they need to look in the fucking mirror, I did try to fix things. Let's see if I can get away with venting over here without the shit hitting the fan yet again. Isn't that the purpose of a blog anyway? To get shit off your chest? Contrary to popular belief i'm not looking for sympathy nor am I "hounding someone for money". Although Shane should thank me for giving him the best PR ever. The guy has made a lot of enemies dicking people over around here in the past. Hell, he's a conquering hero now in most peoples eyes after all this. Unbelievable!
The band has been on it's usual up and down rollercoaster ride at least personally. I really thought it was gonna end the Friday before last. But we sat down and ironed shit out. We then played the 3 shows I previously blogged about. I though it went rather well. We got offered to play a private party that we had to turn down. Kinda bummed about that, but oh well. We're heading up to a studio in North Jersey that Joe Queer recommended to us to record 6 tracks for an upcoming split with The Shuttlecocks on Rally Records the end of next week. Should be fun. Speaking of Joe Queer, and the surreal part. The Sheckies go on a diet is happeneing after all! Penny tells me yesterday Joe said himself we would go on tour with them if Andy and I could lose 100 lbs in a year. Sounds like a friggin' reality show if there ever was one! I emailed him this morning and he said, "yup, it's true". He's supposed to email me all the info later when he gets time. Guess we'll see eh?
The 7/6 show is driving me nuts, we still need to get a venue. I got a ton of bands who want in. It's going to be some friggin' show! We'll concentrate on getting that squared away in May. If we only had a decent all ages venue around these parts. Cripes, I miss the Legion Hall!
I'm sad to say Cindy and I have grown apart. We're still friends and exchange emails. But it's not like it was. And phone calls and chats are a thng of the past. I don't think she ever got over Martha visiting me. She thinks she's interferring with us getting back together and it's simply not the case. We were growing apart over the last year so I guess it is for the best. I'm really missing her cute accent though.

Martha and I are still in communication. We're just biding our time I guess. Her kids are just about grown and soon to start their own lives. Maybe we will get back together, but who knows. Nothing is guarenteed. I'm just glad she was able to come visit me. If anything I hope we continue to do that down the road 'till we figure things out.
My friend Margaret is threatening to turn me into a social butterfly. However, work stepped in and reared it's ugly head. May looks busy as all hell. Don't know if there will be much time for hanging out. I'm glad I finally got a chance to go to the Bombay Indian restaurant thanks to her. Also went back to the Tokyo Japanese restaurant 2 weeks ago with my co-worker Dawn, her Mom, and Andy. I'm so hooked on sushi and sashimi. I want to go back. I told the twins about it at work. They want to go too. It will be nice to give them a night out after Larry's passing. Awwww...the gave me a bag loaded with all his old hats. I now have like 6 or 7 Eagles hats I'll wear proudly onstage. I finally retired my old beat up hat, it was about time!
I went out to the movies for the first time in almost 2 years. So what was the flick that made we want to brave a movie theater? Why Grindhouse of course! That movie is so kick ass! The whole experience is! Why that movie isn't making big bucks shows that most people suck!
Was kinda stunned my old co-worker Mimi called me at work last week and offered me a living room set for free. I had no room for a sofa, but the chair and love seat were nice. My living room actually looks like a living room now! I still feel bad how things turned out for her. She's moving up to her daughter's place in West Chester. I think it's for the best. She needs to get her health in order.
So that's about it. I'm heading out to the party for Kite later. Should be fun. 'Till the next time, Adios motherfuckers!