My buddy George was up for a visit from North Carolina, so I had a nice time hanging out with him and his family yesterday after work. Had some good ol' BBQ food and some fish that was like the best fish I ever tasted! And I'm not a big fish fan, so you know it was good! The jam was fun, but it didn't have as good as flow as the one we had at the going away party last year. I got to play George's brothers drum kit this time, keeping an ever so quiet beat for the acoustics. I think my hi-light of the night was us playing "3 is a magic number" from schoolhouse rock! We also played an emotional "Ripple" in memory of Ed's Mom. After the jam I had the best piece of carrot cake I ever had in my life made by an old family friend Liz. We then sat around talking about stuff from our childhoods growing up in the 70's. It was a nice evening spent with friends.
Yes, I said after work as it's back to the grind at the county club. Of course we already had a problem day one with the new some breakfast items getting cut off at 1. We had got rid of the poached egg pan and we get an order. Ugh, I'm leaving the fucking pan on the stove until 1:30 from here on out. All this new equipment too and we still got the same shitty toaster that the bread gets stuck in. So yaaaaaaaay, I'm already aggrivated! Everyone is still bummed about Mimi no longer working there too. I want to call her, but I'm afraid of her reaction. Man, I never wanted her fired for cripes sake! The twins haven't even heard from her, so you know it's bad.
Oh, I thought a former co-worker Richie was one of the winners of that big mega millions lottery last week. Now I'm hearing it was his wife that bought the ticket and they're going thru a divorce! That dope might not get any winnins then! Could this be the karma from him stabbing me in the back all those years ago trying to get my job? I still feel bad for the guy though.
Cindy was acting all kooky the other day thinking she was interferring in Martha and I getting back together. She didn't even want to talk to me on the phone anymore. It really was hitting me hard 'coz I swear she is like my best friend. She's the one I want to tell first off all the dopey goings on in my life. She was even thinking she was the reason why Martha and I didn't get together sooner. I don't know where that was coming from, I had to point out that the stars fell prefectly into place for the visit to even happen. We did get a chance to talk on the phone Saturday evenng and we cleared it all up. I'm glad we're back to our normal routine. Couldn't imagine not hearing her cute accent and wonderful laugh anymore. It makes me feel more connected to her.
I still am missing Martha though. It is tough going back to our lives with her there and I'm here. But it is what it is for now. Maybe in the future, her kids have to get settled first. At least it's only a year or 2 away. We'll see.
I'm surprised my friend Pete didn't wake me up in the middle of the night again last night as he did the previous 2 nights. But he's having a tough time with his step-dad dying and his impending divorce. My sister imformed me he did call last evening while I was at George's. He was saying how Joe-Joe might not even make it thru the night.
I have to give him a call later for sure.
The band is back practicing regularly each week. We had gotten lazy and were playing pretty much the same set list each show. Time to dust off some oldies and new songs as well. The big news is we're planning on heading into a studio in North Jersey at the end of April. This is the place Joe Queer recommended to us. In fact, The Queers might be recording their next album as well. Penny and K talk to him fairly regularly. I keep hearing we might play a show with him in April and possibly he might co-produce and/or appear on the album. I dunno, I'm just the clueless drummer. We're still having troubles finding a hall for the big show we have planned with The Apers in July. By hell or high water we'll get something figured out!
A guy I knew blew his head off with a 12 gauge 2 weeks ago. I wasn't really that close with him, but a couple friends were. No signs, no note, no nothing. So now they're beating themselves up wondering if they could've did anything. I'm sorry, but it was fucking selfish on his part. Cowardly in fact. I can understand if you have a terminal disease and want to end things on your terms, but don't give me the depression bullshit. I fucking deal with it every goddamn day myself and still go on. Now these people will be haunted forever. At least a goddamned note would've offered some sense of closure, not that it would've made the act any better. Just shaking my head over that one still.
I'm just a barrel of laughs aren't I?
Yes, I said after work as it's back to the grind at the county club. Of course we already had a problem day one with the new some breakfast items getting cut off at 1. We had got rid of the poached egg pan and we get an order. Ugh, I'm leaving the fucking pan on the stove until 1:30 from here on out. All this new equipment too and we still got the same shitty toaster that the bread gets stuck in. So yaaaaaaaay, I'm already aggrivated! Everyone is still bummed about Mimi no longer working there too. I want to call her, but I'm afraid of her reaction. Man, I never wanted her fired for cripes sake! The twins haven't even heard from her, so you know it's bad.
Oh, I thought a former co-worker Richie was one of the winners of that big mega millions lottery last week. Now I'm hearing it was his wife that bought the ticket and they're going thru a divorce! That dope might not get any winnins then! Could this be the karma from him stabbing me in the back all those years ago trying to get my job? I still feel bad for the guy though.
Cindy was acting all kooky the other day thinking she was interferring in Martha and I getting back together. She didn't even want to talk to me on the phone anymore. It really was hitting me hard 'coz I swear she is like my best friend. She's the one I want to tell first off all the dopey goings on in my life. She was even thinking she was the reason why Martha and I didn't get together sooner. I don't know where that was coming from, I had to point out that the stars fell prefectly into place for the visit to even happen. We did get a chance to talk on the phone Saturday evenng and we cleared it all up. I'm glad we're back to our normal routine. Couldn't imagine not hearing her cute accent and wonderful laugh anymore. It makes me feel more connected to her.
I still am missing Martha though. It is tough going back to our lives with her there and I'm here. But it is what it is for now. Maybe in the future, her kids have to get settled first. At least it's only a year or 2 away. We'll see.
I'm surprised my friend Pete didn't wake me up in the middle of the night again last night as he did the previous 2 nights. But he's having a tough time with his step-dad dying and his impending divorce. My sister imformed me he did call last evening while I was at George's. He was saying how Joe-Joe might not even make it thru the night.

The band is back practicing regularly each week. We had gotten lazy and were playing pretty much the same set list each show. Time to dust off some oldies and new songs as well. The big news is we're planning on heading into a studio in North Jersey at the end of April. This is the place Joe Queer recommended to us. In fact, The Queers might be recording their next album as well. Penny and K talk to him fairly regularly. I keep hearing we might play a show with him in April and possibly he might co-produce and/or appear on the album. I dunno, I'm just the clueless drummer. We're still having troubles finding a hall for the big show we have planned with The Apers in July. By hell or high water we'll get something figured out!
A guy I knew blew his head off with a 12 gauge 2 weeks ago. I wasn't really that close with him, but a couple friends were. No signs, no note, no nothing. So now they're beating themselves up wondering if they could've did anything. I'm sorry, but it was fucking selfish on his part. Cowardly in fact. I can understand if you have a terminal disease and want to end things on your terms, but don't give me the depression bullshit. I fucking deal with it every goddamn day myself and still go on. Now these people will be haunted forever. At least a goddamned note would've offered some sense of closure, not that it would've made the act any better. Just shaking my head over that one still.
I'm just a barrel of laughs aren't I?
Well g'damn, man. Barrel of laughs x 10.