Super Bowl Sunday, hoo boy! I really don't care for either of the teams so I'll be paying more attention to the commercials.
The diet is still going good. The scale says 368 compared to 373 last time I checked in. It's so tough sticking to a plan. I swear, it is an addction just as bad as any drug. I have to concentrate hard to avoid eating too much. I need to start walking more, but the cold weather has kept me inside. Just as predicted, winter finally came when I'm off from my job.
Still have no idea what I'm going to face when I return to work around March 9th. I think Mimi is history. It's sad, but what can I do? She's burned way too many bridges with other people there. All I can do is just do the job and hope for the best. I know I work better with Dawn and the mood certainly is lighter.
As far as me going off the deep end over my somewhat religious experience, I've decided the old ignorance is bliss. My mortal soul may pay for it in the end, but that's way too many theories on religion and practice. I'm doing my best to lead a good life, if jerkin' off is my biggest crime, I'll take my chances.
Still wish I was doing some fun things with all this time off. The sad conclusion is I really don't have any friends around here who share the same interests as me. This is where I miss Sonja the most. We used to have so much fun together just hanging out. I literally have no one. Yeah, I got the band and people I know thru it, but we really don't hang out much outside of it. It fucking sucks.
I tried calling Martha yesterday. I'm really thinking on flying her up here to spend some time together. I'm still questioning my motives, but lonliness does that. I still can't picture us ever getting back together. She doesn't want to move up here, and no way I'm moving back there. At least we remained friends thru it all, that part I'm still thankful for.
I'm glad I re-established contact with my friend Pete. Cripes, we go back to high school. He's going thru a divorce and is worried about the custody part concerning his 2 kids. I think he'll be fine in the end.
Cindy and I are still in touch. I think we've both realized it's better as just a friendship. I still love living the fantasy, but I think we both know the end result. She's there, I'm here, and it will probaly stay that way forever. I still consider her my best friend out of everyone. Couldn't imagine not having her in my life in some regard.
The band is still doing good. Think we're going back to the studio this week for Penny to lay down his bass tracks. I got a chance to talk to Philmore and he's understanding of us taking this next step. There's only so much he can do at his home studio. I still feel like I'm almost a traitor in a sense, but he's cool with it, so that's all that matters. We have a show coming up in Virginia next Saturday along with a few other shows on the back burner. Kevin Aper contacted me about getting The Apers a show down this way come June. That will be another fun one for sure! Guess we have to start making our own Summer plans soon.
Want a taste of my somewhat ecclectic musical taste? Go here.
I love Comcast digital cable and on demand. Thought I'd share that too.
Such is my mundane life. Hooray!
The diet is still going good. The scale says 368 compared to 373 last time I checked in. It's so tough sticking to a plan. I swear, it is an addction just as bad as any drug. I have to concentrate hard to avoid eating too much. I need to start walking more, but the cold weather has kept me inside. Just as predicted, winter finally came when I'm off from my job.
Still have no idea what I'm going to face when I return to work around March 9th. I think Mimi is history. It's sad, but what can I do? She's burned way too many bridges with other people there. All I can do is just do the job and hope for the best. I know I work better with Dawn and the mood certainly is lighter.
As far as me going off the deep end over my somewhat religious experience, I've decided the old ignorance is bliss. My mortal soul may pay for it in the end, but that's way too many theories on religion and practice. I'm doing my best to lead a good life, if jerkin' off is my biggest crime, I'll take my chances.
Still wish I was doing some fun things with all this time off. The sad conclusion is I really don't have any friends around here who share the same interests as me. This is where I miss Sonja the most. We used to have so much fun together just hanging out. I literally have no one. Yeah, I got the band and people I know thru it, but we really don't hang out much outside of it. It fucking sucks.
I tried calling Martha yesterday. I'm really thinking on flying her up here to spend some time together. I'm still questioning my motives, but lonliness does that. I still can't picture us ever getting back together. She doesn't want to move up here, and no way I'm moving back there. At least we remained friends thru it all, that part I'm still thankful for.
I'm glad I re-established contact with my friend Pete. Cripes, we go back to high school. He's going thru a divorce and is worried about the custody part concerning his 2 kids. I think he'll be fine in the end.
Cindy and I are still in touch. I think we've both realized it's better as just a friendship. I still love living the fantasy, but I think we both know the end result. She's there, I'm here, and it will probaly stay that way forever. I still consider her my best friend out of everyone. Couldn't imagine not having her in my life in some regard.
The band is still doing good. Think we're going back to the studio this week for Penny to lay down his bass tracks. I got a chance to talk to Philmore and he's understanding of us taking this next step. There's only so much he can do at his home studio. I still feel like I'm almost a traitor in a sense, but he's cool with it, so that's all that matters. We have a show coming up in Virginia next Saturday along with a few other shows on the back burner. Kevin Aper contacted me about getting The Apers a show down this way come June. That will be another fun one for sure! Guess we have to start making our own Summer plans soon.
Want a taste of my somewhat ecclectic musical taste? Go here.
I love Comcast digital cable and on demand. Thought I'd share that too.
Such is my mundane life. Hooray!
