A whole lot of nothing going on. I did finally give in and go to the doctor yesterday. We were talking about how long it's been since I've been going there (7 yrs old when I had the chicken pox). He was kind enough to give me samples of a antibiotic as well as an allergy pill. He's thinking it just might be an allergy I have that always gives me this constant sinus congestion. Guess we'll see. Having no medical insurance really sucks. The cost for a visit is up to $80 now. I try avoiding the doctor as much as possible, I simply can't afford it.
I'm not the only one down. Found out Andy might have a possible blood clot in his leg. I thought Phebitis at first, I had to deal with that myself back in '88. Missed 1 1/2 weeks of work flat on my back keeping the leg elevated. Not fun when the possible outcome is the clot traveling to your heart or lungs, killing you. Thank goodness no problems since. I think Andy's problem might be a vericose vein. It kinda looked like that to me. Hope the fucker is OK.
I've been compiling a list of indie labels I plan on sending out demos to. It's time we had some sort of help getting the product out. Guess we'll see how that goes. Still got to put that shit together.
Bought myself the Superstar Billy Graham book and DVD. I loved 'rasslin' when I was a kid. I still will watch when I'm flipping channels, but I miss the good 'ol days. Graham's bio has been a good read so far. He was a character for sure.
I got part 2 of my b-day present from Cindy, Neil Young's new CD "Prairie Wind" as well as the "On The Road With The Ramones". The CD is almost pt. 3 of "Harvest" & "Harvest Moon". The book looks to be a great read.
You know I'm bored when I decided to pimp our own "I Love The Sheckies" group on My Space. So far over 700 of our friends signed up. Unfortunately like almost every other My Space group I've seen, hardly anyone is actually posting. I even had someone send me a pissed of message about the invite, but I took the time to explain what it really is. I poke fun at the whole dopiness of it all. She apologized, but it was no big deal. I know what's it's like to get sent those invites too. Most of the friggin' time it's about something I have no interest in in the first place.
I've been lurking on the Knock Knock Records message board lately. Lots of people and bands I recognize from My Space there. I'm still amazed how these bands schedule their own tours. Where are they even getting the money to go out there? It gets more and more frustrating just sitting around here. But here we are, no money, no van, no label. Somethings gotta give...
I'm not the only one down. Found out Andy might have a possible blood clot in his leg. I thought Phebitis at first, I had to deal with that myself back in '88. Missed 1 1/2 weeks of work flat on my back keeping the leg elevated. Not fun when the possible outcome is the clot traveling to your heart or lungs, killing you. Thank goodness no problems since. I think Andy's problem might be a vericose vein. It kinda looked like that to me. Hope the fucker is OK.
I've been compiling a list of indie labels I plan on sending out demos to. It's time we had some sort of help getting the product out. Guess we'll see how that goes. Still got to put that shit together.
Bought myself the Superstar Billy Graham book and DVD. I loved 'rasslin' when I was a kid. I still will watch when I'm flipping channels, but I miss the good 'ol days. Graham's bio has been a good read so far. He was a character for sure.
I got part 2 of my b-day present from Cindy, Neil Young's new CD "Prairie Wind" as well as the "On The Road With The Ramones". The CD is almost pt. 3 of "Harvest" & "Harvest Moon". The book looks to be a great read.
You know I'm bored when I decided to pimp our own "I Love The Sheckies" group on My Space. So far over 700 of our friends signed up. Unfortunately like almost every other My Space group I've seen, hardly anyone is actually posting. I even had someone send me a pissed of message about the invite, but I took the time to explain what it really is. I poke fun at the whole dopiness of it all. She apologized, but it was no big deal. I know what's it's like to get sent those invites too. Most of the friggin' time it's about something I have no interest in in the first place.
I've been lurking on the Knock Knock Records message board lately. Lots of people and bands I recognize from My Space there. I'm still amazed how these bands schedule their own tours. Where are they even getting the money to go out there? It gets more and more frustrating just sitting around here. But here we are, no money, no van, no label. Somethings gotta give...
I hope the band trouble sorts itself soon, even if it means stealing a bus and begging at gas stations for money.