I really suck at getting things done...
a few people have told me about their collections but i haven't followed threw...
i think i was envisioning something different... I want to hear about collections like Nino had... strange, wonderful, moving...
but... one guy told me he collects ex-girlfriends... another guy collects matchbooks...
i mean... i guess i shouldn't down play people's livelyhoods (which I'm doing exactly) and maybe it would be a funny to learn about all the girls in this dudes life...
but... it's isn't what I'm looking for... haha
so... I'm taking a step back from the whole thing and work on two other project that have been on my mind...
the first is a short film about a hero who doesn't want to be a hero... it's funny because i had this idea of this fallen superman before the TV show Heroes came out... now i find that my idea is kind of pale in comparison... mine is a little different because the focus is not on the heroes of the film but more a personal piece about the struggles of having the capability to change things but being too bitter to do so...
i have to say that i really took to the show Heroes... it's doesn't make sense... the script is really chopping and it's a bit overdramatic... but i like the tension that the show creates... there was a really bad scene where the immortal cheerleader is on the football field and some dude decides to tackle her... he ends up twisting and breaking her neck... actually the whole cheerleader plot is really stupid... but for some reason i still like the whole thing...
anyway... the point is that I'm going to start writing the script tonight... right now I'm just going to concentrate on the plot... i pretty much know where i want this to go... i think I'll be happy just to have the first draft done... after that? I'll see if it's something worth making....
the other project will be a warm up for my Nino project. I'm going to do a smaller Zine that I've already started... It's called Notes from Hell!... it really simple... it's just a collection of all the notes that I've ever received...
tonight I'm going to put together the first issue... in the future I'll have it set up like Found Magazine (ripping off ideas is fun!!) where people will give me their notes/memos/short letters etc and I'll make a pretty Zine that I'll sell really cheaply...
how the hell did Davy Rothbart, Found Magazine creator, become big at this... well he's actually talented in other areas (i think he writes books) and i don't know...
the funny things is that i really didn't steal his idea... i didn't know about Found until someone told me that my idea was a rip off of Found... but... whatever... my idea is just to get pratice at making a Zine and promoting it... and then i can move on to the Zine about the collections...
ok i should start to work on it right now...
a few people have told me about their collections but i haven't followed threw...
i think i was envisioning something different... I want to hear about collections like Nino had... strange, wonderful, moving...
but... one guy told me he collects ex-girlfriends... another guy collects matchbooks...
i mean... i guess i shouldn't down play people's livelyhoods (which I'm doing exactly) and maybe it would be a funny to learn about all the girls in this dudes life...
but... it's isn't what I'm looking for... haha
so... I'm taking a step back from the whole thing and work on two other project that have been on my mind...
the first is a short film about a hero who doesn't want to be a hero... it's funny because i had this idea of this fallen superman before the TV show Heroes came out... now i find that my idea is kind of pale in comparison... mine is a little different because the focus is not on the heroes of the film but more a personal piece about the struggles of having the capability to change things but being too bitter to do so...
i have to say that i really took to the show Heroes... it's doesn't make sense... the script is really chopping and it's a bit overdramatic... but i like the tension that the show creates... there was a really bad scene where the immortal cheerleader is on the football field and some dude decides to tackle her... he ends up twisting and breaking her neck... actually the whole cheerleader plot is really stupid... but for some reason i still like the whole thing...
anyway... the point is that I'm going to start writing the script tonight... right now I'm just going to concentrate on the plot... i pretty much know where i want this to go... i think I'll be happy just to have the first draft done... after that? I'll see if it's something worth making....
the other project will be a warm up for my Nino project. I'm going to do a smaller Zine that I've already started... It's called Notes from Hell!... it really simple... it's just a collection of all the notes that I've ever received...
tonight I'm going to put together the first issue... in the future I'll have it set up like Found Magazine (ripping off ideas is fun!!) where people will give me their notes/memos/short letters etc and I'll make a pretty Zine that I'll sell really cheaply...
how the hell did Davy Rothbart, Found Magazine creator, become big at this... well he's actually talented in other areas (i think he writes books) and i don't know...
the funny things is that i really didn't steal his idea... i didn't know about Found until someone told me that my idea was a rip off of Found... but... whatever... my idea is just to get pratice at making a Zine and promoting it... and then i can move on to the Zine about the collections...
ok i should start to work on it right now...