don't be confused... i'm using this blog to reflect on my journal at this location...mikesmelo please visit it... love it... don't shit on it.. or just ignore it...
TODAY (June 20, 2006)
L? what did happen to the beautiful L?
well... nothing...
she didn't call me and i didn't call her...
actually before i was going to write this i was feeling kind of hopeless about the whole thing...
but to day i ran into her and invited her to the party here on Saturday?
oh... it's seems like it's going to be a cool party... i got a dude who said he would DJ for no charge!!!
oh... that reminds me.... i need to get invites out...
i invited tons of people already but i need to do some emailing and maybe a myspace...
L is nice to me and a bit flirty... i wonder if anything will happen...
(L is for Lisa... she is the beautiful Asian girl that i have a crush on... i've been way to shy with her... i just can't get up the nerve to ask her out... i think i must be the most passive person in the world... i need to put more of a fight... i WANT to ask her on a date... i want her to hang out with me... and i would love to kiss her beautiful face... i just need to get up the nerve... she said she will come to my party... I'll be drunk off my ass... that never works for me as an easy hook up... but... i can only pray...)
TODAY (June 20, 2006)
L? what did happen to the beautiful L?
well... nothing...
she didn't call me and i didn't call her...
actually before i was going to write this i was feeling kind of hopeless about the whole thing...
but to day i ran into her and invited her to the party here on Saturday?
oh... it's seems like it's going to be a cool party... i got a dude who said he would DJ for no charge!!!
oh... that reminds me.... i need to get invites out...
i invited tons of people already but i need to do some emailing and maybe a myspace...
L is nice to me and a bit flirty... i wonder if anything will happen...
(L is for Lisa... she is the beautiful Asian girl that i have a crush on... i've been way to shy with her... i just can't get up the nerve to ask her out... i think i must be the most passive person in the world... i need to put more of a fight... i WANT to ask her on a date... i want her to hang out with me... and i would love to kiss her beautiful face... i just need to get up the nerve... she said she will come to my party... I'll be drunk off my ass... that never works for me as an easy hook up... but... i can only pray...)