Hmm... not overly crazy about the new site design, but I tend to fear change in any form, so it could just be me.
And speaking of fearing change, I hear that Arnold Schwargenegger's first official act as governor is going to be a revoking of all of those driver's licenses that Gray Davis was handing out to illegal immigrants. From what I hear, the Gubernator is going to exchange them for yellow Stars of David, which must be worn at all times.
And speaking of fearing change, I hear that Arnold Schwargenegger's first official act as governor is going to be a revoking of all of those driver's licenses that Gray Davis was handing out to illegal immigrants. From what I hear, the Gubernator is going to exchange them for yellow Stars of David, which must be worn at all times.
now i'm going to be giddy all day.
mostly about mario party, though.
maybe i'll even get a gamecube