Well, people....It's been just shy of two years in the making, but as of 4:30 today, my fractal sleeve is finally finished! How fucking sweet is that? I'm beyond happy and estactic about this. This is my first large tattoo project that is actually been seen to completion (artist who was doing my leg bailed on me before the last session)! I feel a little bit more complete now. It's kind of weird to think of it as a finished piece now and not something in progress. I can't quite seem to break the smile from my face either. This is a good goddamn day!
In other news....it seems like I'm the only one of my friends these days that is without any drama what so ever. This is another cause for celebration in my opinion. It sucks, because I'm getting tired of hearing about it, to the point now that I'm being blunt about things "break up with her" "confront this person right fucking now! They're two feet away from you! Hit them, I don't care" "kick that person the fuck out your life, they suck!" I'm tired of hearing about my friends being unhappy because of certain people in their lives that just create drama wherever they go. leave them behind.
In some even otherer news, we're playing the fuck out of the bars in this city. We seem to have a show every weekend this month, which is sweet, but exhausting. This weekend, we're playing the after party for the rat city rollergirls championship bout @ Jules Maes w/ gutbomb & four easy pieces. I hope to see some people there. We were opening up for murdock the following week but they had to drop off because they are having problem with their singer i think. The week after that, is the fucking Halloween show with the SPits, head, GLENN OR GLENNDA (seattles premier gender bending misfits tribute band....if you miss them your stupid, because they only play on halloween folks) and us.....this show will be a lot of fun.....can we top our droog costumes from last year? you'll just have to show up to see!
well, my arm is fucking throbbing, so I'm off to find some ibuprofen.
In other news....it seems like I'm the only one of my friends these days that is without any drama what so ever. This is another cause for celebration in my opinion. It sucks, because I'm getting tired of hearing about it, to the point now that I'm being blunt about things "break up with her" "confront this person right fucking now! They're two feet away from you! Hit them, I don't care" "kick that person the fuck out your life, they suck!" I'm tired of hearing about my friends being unhappy because of certain people in their lives that just create drama wherever they go. leave them behind.
In some even otherer news, we're playing the fuck out of the bars in this city. We seem to have a show every weekend this month, which is sweet, but exhausting. This weekend, we're playing the after party for the rat city rollergirls championship bout @ Jules Maes w/ gutbomb & four easy pieces. I hope to see some people there. We were opening up for murdock the following week but they had to drop off because they are having problem with their singer i think. The week after that, is the fucking Halloween show with the SPits, head, GLENN OR GLENNDA (seattles premier gender bending misfits tribute band....if you miss them your stupid, because they only play on halloween folks) and us.....this show will be a lot of fun.....can we top our droog costumes from last year? you'll just have to show up to see!
well, my arm is fucking throbbing, so I'm off to find some ibuprofen.
Good god. I love the Spits. I saw them a couple of years ago opening for Dita, and fell madly in love.
Sadly, I'll still be in LA at that point.