What a fucking month! Starts off with me getting some crazy virus in the middle of the NASS Festival and having to be put on a drip, meant I missed the majority of the event but caught the finals on Sunday. Went to leave and reversed the van into a tree smashing out the back window. This meant me missing my appointment to get the keys to my new flat.
Get the keys to the new flat the following day only to find the fucking agency hadn't cleaned it, there was a plug socket hanging off the wall, 2 broken lights hanging off the wall, a broken window and a toilet that didn't flush. Their response? 'it's in pretty good condition for a rental property' !!!!! Anyways, after a few days back and forth with the MUPPETS at 01 Lettings in Kemp Town, they fixed it all up for me and I move in, happy days.
A few days later, my bike gets stolen from outside the front door. Then I get the flu. What the fuck. I truly believe in karma but I'm racking my brain to think of what heinous crime I must have committed to deserve all of this.
I suppose the only positive is that it can only get better right? right?!
here's some pix from my 365

Get the keys to the new flat the following day only to find the fucking agency hadn't cleaned it, there was a plug socket hanging off the wall, 2 broken lights hanging off the wall, a broken window and a toilet that didn't flush. Their response? 'it's in pretty good condition for a rental property' !!!!! Anyways, after a few days back and forth with the MUPPETS at 01 Lettings in Kemp Town, they fixed it all up for me and I move in, happy days.
A few days later, my bike gets stolen from outside the front door. Then I get the flu. What the fuck. I truly believe in karma but I'm racking my brain to think of what heinous crime I must have committed to deserve all of this.
I suppose the only positive is that it can only get better right? right?!
here's some pix from my 365