my apartment is all clean.
and for everyone up north: I'm sunburnt.
I have somehow tapped into some crazy reserve of energy: today I fucking jogged, rode my bike to skoo, swam -- If I had sex I would have invented the quadathalon. Those are the only four exercises I know.
But I did write, clean, and organize. Good gawd. I'm possessed. The ghosts of both Johnny Weismuller and my grannie. wow.
It will be interesting to see how long this verve keeps up. start a betting pool.
In other news: I'm sunburnt.
my apartment is all clean.
and for everyone up north: I'm sunburnt.
I have somehow tapped into some crazy reserve of energy: today I fucking jogged, rode my bike to skoo, swam -- If I had sex I would have invented the quadathalon. Those are the only four exercises I know.
But I did write, clean, and organize. Good gawd. I'm possessed. The ghosts of both Johnny Weismuller and my grannie. wow.
It will be interesting to see how long this verve keeps up. start a betting pool.
In other news: I'm sunburnt.
you forgive me right?