4: 30 AM
It has beeeen a loooooong day (see prev 2)
Cat awaits
Comforter awaits
ahh *sigh*
let down
I'm not sleeping alone tonight.
I've a gullet full of bourbon.
Jack Daniels and Jim Beam are swell bedfellows
for those rheumatic of heart.
For I've drunken from the boozy giving cup.
I've annointed myself with precious oils;
sour mash outshines myrrh.
It has beeeen a loooooong day (see prev 2)
Cat awaits
Comforter awaits
ahh *sigh*
let down
I'm not sleeping alone tonight.
I've a gullet full of bourbon.
Jack Daniels and Jim Beam are swell bedfellows
for those rheumatic of heart.
For I've drunken from the boozy giving cup.
I've annointed myself with precious oils;
sour mash outshines myrrh.
i fo' get sometimes that it's later where you are than where i am. bourbon is tasty. i don't drink straight likker that often, but i like knob creek sometimes. we all went out for a friends birthday tonight, and they drank a LOT, but i was the driver. so's it was boring, but i'll feel pretty good tomorrow, unlike everyone else there, who'll be real fucking hungover. i hope you're not too hungover tomorrow.
dave. you went to bed with three men last night? you hussy.