One hour 'til The Bee arrives. I have lots of canned sugery fruit goodies, like "mango shells in extra thick syrup" for her to pick at with her antennae. Now we just need cheese and wine (which I have a closet full of that I've been saving for just such an occasion) and the giggling will ensue.
Wed I leave for Cleveland for apartment hunting. I have contacted long lost friends. I am excited.
thirty more student papers to go...
I finally have my apartment back (well, for one more hour). Sad but I can breathe again...
Okay, fun weekend on the horizon...
Wed I leave for Cleveland for apartment hunting. I have contacted long lost friends. I am excited.
thirty more student papers to go...
I finally have my apartment back (well, for one more hour). Sad but I can breathe again...
Okay, fun weekend on the horizon...