word for the day:
dictatrix: a female dictator; a woman who tells people what to do.
and since that probably wasn't sensational enough for you, here are a couple more:
acrotophiliac -- a person who is sexually attracted to the stumps of amputees.
(not to be confused with an acrotomophiliac -- one who enjoys fantasizing that his or her partner was an amputee -- or an apotemnophiliac, which is one who fantasizes about being an amputee; one who schemes to amputate some part of his or her body in order to gain sexual pleasure.
in other news, I watched the posiedon adventure last night. I tell you, I think that Irwin Allen (king and creator of disaster fillms) was a genius. I've got to get 'em all--Towering Inferno, The Swarm, Airport 75, Earthquake. AND some of these even have charleton heston in 'em. BONUS.
I am clean shaven (goetee / sleazy moustache-less) for the first time since I can't remember when. [see photo]
I look thirteen.
dictatrix: a female dictator; a woman who tells people what to do.
and since that probably wasn't sensational enough for you, here are a couple more:
acrotophiliac -- a person who is sexually attracted to the stumps of amputees.
(not to be confused with an acrotomophiliac -- one who enjoys fantasizing that his or her partner was an amputee -- or an apotemnophiliac, which is one who fantasizes about being an amputee; one who schemes to amputate some part of his or her body in order to gain sexual pleasure.
in other news, I watched the posiedon adventure last night. I tell you, I think that Irwin Allen (king and creator of disaster fillms) was a genius. I've got to get 'em all--Towering Inferno, The Swarm, Airport 75, Earthquake. AND some of these even have charleton heston in 'em. BONUS.
I am clean shaven (goetee / sleazy moustache-less) for the first time since I can't remember when. [see photo]
I look thirteen.
No more moustache! Say it ain't so! well, thanks for harassing me anyhow. Hope you dont mind if I describe you as a mustached man in seersucker pants when I huffily describe being harassed to my female coworkers around the water cooler.
I think I'm going blind from staring at the monitor, but is that another monkey? Is this a fetish perhaps?
[Edited on Jun 23, 2003]