Ok, who else thinks last night was a little on the surreal side.
Only in New Haven can the following occur.
1. Eat a great dinner with awesome friends and have an Evil Waitress torment me as much as i did her.
2. Show up at an old Haunt and have instant insanity start occuring before a seat was even taken.
3. Get to amaze your friends with sweet little Jedi mind control tricks.
4. Watch 20 or so guys make total asses of themselves by attempting to be cool and shoot off some of the lamest come on lines ever. (and i should know, i am well versed in pick up lines).
5. Watch said 20 or so guys get shot down in flames and still persist with feeble (at best) attempts to score.
6. Laugh along with your drunken buddys as the said 20 or so guys try to be your buddy just to get close to the girls that are sitting with us.
7. Feel like a pimp for a couple of hours.
8. Get serious offers to Dom your friend (no names lol) and (i qoute) "piss all over him for free".
9. Try to con your friend into it just for the giggles of it.
10. Laugh until your face and belly hurts from the evil thoughts and scenerios.
11. Get a cam phone pic taken of your face 5 inches from a bare ass - rephrase - a bare and incredible ass.
12. Find creative and demented uses for ice cubes in public.
13. Break your "I've been really really good for 9 months" record. Thanks guys.
14. Renew your belief in Karma.
15. Sit the night away reveling in the madness and dreading the end of it.
16. Show up for this adventure with 1 person, leave with three.
18. Drive two half naked chicks to their apartment in a car with no heater and no weed and still get hugs, kisses, and thank yous when you drop them off. (Yeah, we dropped them off like nice guys)
19. Enjoy the rest of the ride to drop off your buddy to his home and talk about the nights events while dodging trouble with a capital T.
20. Get home at 3 am and go to work at six with a grin on your mug that a crowbar couldnt remove.
To WelnTaod , elmcitydrunk and SmokingBuddha , thanks for a helluva night. Feel free to add anything i may have missed. Oh, and SuicideGuy, it was great seeing you bro, look forward to hanging out soon.
Peace and cute little Dom chicks with slaves,
Only in New Haven can the following occur.
1. Eat a great dinner with awesome friends and have an Evil Waitress torment me as much as i did her.
2. Show up at an old Haunt and have instant insanity start occuring before a seat was even taken.
3. Get to amaze your friends with sweet little Jedi mind control tricks.
4. Watch 20 or so guys make total asses of themselves by attempting to be cool and shoot off some of the lamest come on lines ever. (and i should know, i am well versed in pick up lines).
5. Watch said 20 or so guys get shot down in flames and still persist with feeble (at best) attempts to score.
6. Laugh along with your drunken buddys as the said 20 or so guys try to be your buddy just to get close to the girls that are sitting with us.
7. Feel like a pimp for a couple of hours.
8. Get serious offers to Dom your friend (no names lol) and (i qoute) "piss all over him for free".
9. Try to con your friend into it just for the giggles of it.
10. Laugh until your face and belly hurts from the evil thoughts and scenerios.
11. Get a cam phone pic taken of your face 5 inches from a bare ass - rephrase - a bare and incredible ass.
12. Find creative and demented uses for ice cubes in public.
13. Break your "I've been really really good for 9 months" record. Thanks guys.
14. Renew your belief in Karma.
15. Sit the night away reveling in the madness and dreading the end of it.
16. Show up for this adventure with 1 person, leave with three.
18. Drive two half naked chicks to their apartment in a car with no heater and no weed and still get hugs, kisses, and thank yous when you drop them off. (Yeah, we dropped them off like nice guys)
19. Enjoy the rest of the ride to drop off your buddy to his home and talk about the nights events while dodging trouble with a capital T.
20. Get home at 3 am and go to work at six with a grin on your mug that a crowbar couldnt remove.
To WelnTaod , elmcitydrunk and SmokingBuddha , thanks for a helluva night. Feel free to add anything i may have missed. Oh, and SuicideGuy, it was great seeing you bro, look forward to hanging out soon.
Peace and cute little Dom chicks with slaves,

hello my dear underscore friend.
I'm going on an underscore hunt, trying to kill all underscores in my wake.
what drove me to do this? PointBlank recently went from Point_Blank to PointBlank. it made me realize how ridiculous the "_" looked.
may I suggest that you kindly remove the underscores from your name (if possible!) ?
you will thank me for it later.