Well, another day down and hopefully more to come. It was pretty much uneventful. I spent the weekend in MA with Chelle and the kids. We watched some movies, talked, and just relaxed for a bit. Got home today and started cleaning the house up for the wee ones visit tomorrow. I Made fun of some yuppies that were broken down on the side of the road and wouldnt roll down their window more than an inch to talk to me. I ended up fixing the car for them and seeing them off. Its fun to talk to ones self whilst making automotive repairs. Its even more fun to talk about the people in the car to ones self whilst repairing their car. I would have to say that they were glad it was daylight
I've got to go to court tomorrow, hopefully for the last time. I am really looking forward to pissing her lawyer off again. I learned a lot of new lawyer jokes since the last time. Her lawyer kind of looks like the scientist from Jaws, you know the one Im talking about? Small, beard, glasses.....the one you think is dead but pops up at the end to scare the guy that killed the shark. Well, if you know me, you know what kind of ammo I can use that as in deflating his ego. I love a slow week; it gives my mind the freedom it needs to conjure new and inventive ways to torment people. Remember, you are either with me, or, well, it sucks to be you.
Much love guys and gals.

I've got to go to court tomorrow, hopefully for the last time. I am really looking forward to pissing her lawyer off again. I learned a lot of new lawyer jokes since the last time. Her lawyer kind of looks like the scientist from Jaws, you know the one Im talking about? Small, beard, glasses.....the one you think is dead but pops up at the end to scare the guy that killed the shark. Well, if you know me, you know what kind of ammo I can use that as in deflating his ego. I love a slow week; it gives my mind the freedom it needs to conjure new and inventive ways to torment people. Remember, you are either with me, or, well, it sucks to be you.
Much love guys and gals.

Thank you again for saturday, hehe man did i get reamed when i got home.. but you know what. It was so worth it. It was Great to Meet Michelle, and hopefull will be seeing you(or both of you) very soon.
Take it easy, mighty one