Saturdays, Used to love them, now, its more like "eh".
Taking the wee one to her first dance class today, should be interesting. I took the morning off yesterday and chaperoned a daycare trip to the Discovery Museum in Bridgeport. That in itself was just tiresome, dont know how some teachers do it.
Not much else to rant about, so i am cutting it short today.
Love ya guys,
Taking the wee one to her first dance class today, should be interesting. I took the morning off yesterday and chaperoned a daycare trip to the Discovery Museum in Bridgeport. That in itself was just tiresome, dont know how some teachers do it.
Not much else to rant about, so i am cutting it short today.
Love ya guys,

keep that in mind for her too..
went a few weeks ago & was so happy about the freeness that i ALMOST didnt care that they took out the ONE freakin thing i remembered as a child & was lookin forward to immensely - the lady they found in the quinnipiac river. the skull and everything.. yea, the just "dont have that anymore".. freakin peoples!
anyways, t'was fun @ "the lake".. and i cant wait to hang out again! *possibly wednesday!* i dont hafta work, so the chances are really up there! if we both do wind up going - can i really hitch a ride down with ya??
Thank you for making me fear for my life... there really was a light at the end of the ttunnel, and it made me feel all warm and wet....
Yeah, i am really excited about going to Flux, i have wednesday off and dont have to work till 1:30 pm thursday
time to kill some Brain & liver cells
Thank you for being my friend, you big masochistic freak